*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

True, but for students who are only interested in CS and not in electrical this is not an attractive option.

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Found this:
Freshman Entrants

  1. Computer Science
  2. Electrical Eng. & Computer Science

Data for 2028-2019 has 1535 enrolled students for EECS and 1719 for CS in L&S.

Not true. the majore requirements are identical, though there are some differences in the college requirements. In EECS, you take some extra physics and math related classes. In L&S, you have more distribution requirements. but for the actual CS major portion, itā€™s very flexible and those requirements are the same.

OK, I was wondering about applicationsā€¦not enrolled. I donā€™t think that is out there? I was curious with 100K plus applications how many kids apply to which college? I thought I heard 85% approx apply to L&Sā€¦but I have no data on that! Just curious if there is a breakdown of application data by the college within UCB.

True but there are several top schools which do not offer direct admits for CS or limited direct admits. The rest of the students Would half to go through a secondary admission process like UCBā€™s.

For my younger son who did not apply to UC Berkeley still was only willing to accept a direct admit to computer science or nothing, so I understand your perspective.

She would add diversity as all ethnicities (including Caucasian) are represented.

Here is the conversation from last year. Should I apply to be a SEEDS Scholar? Like I said, the program is new and many who were offered the opportunity didnā€™t apply.

Good question, I chose to apply through L&S for a lot of the reasons above. I am excited to get a few more humanities opportunities to explore different subjects while also studying comp sci. While it would be comforting to get L&S direct Comp Sci, I think itā€™s a fair tradeoff for the increased acceptance and I donā€™t think the pre-reqs are that unreasonable considering the popularity of the major (yes, I understand the GPA cutoff is no walk in the park, but with a strong background in the subject I hope Iā€™ll do better than the average). Considering Calā€™s top tier rank for computer science, I would still pick the indirect admission to the program over the other UCā€™s. I hope that helps, though Iā€™m sure there are just as many people who would prefer the reassurance of direct admission to engineering.


it sounds like L&S is the right place for you. I am an L&S alum and really tried to get my son to apply under L&S because he enjoys history, humanities, etc. But it was his decision, he wanted the guarantee and heā€™s just been doing many additional courses to have a more rounded experience. Congratulations to you!

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Anyone who applied in major engineering (EE, Bio Engr, CS, ME,ā€¦) and got invitation for regents scholarship from UC Berkeley?

yepp Iā€™m an international applicant from india. got into L&S.


Nice congrats! Iā€™m also for India and was eagerly awaiting but guess itā€™s not for me :sweat_smile:

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Does anyone know if all the early decisions have gone out or more are yet to go out on Friday?

@CalBear95 from an employer standpoint (and Iā€™m with a major one), if we were looking for a CS and the student was EE but had CS heavy classes AND the student was from Berkeley, Iā€™d take the student.

Iā€™m not familiar with the exact curriculum but if students can get similar CS instruction thru EE, I would hope they go for it and donā€™t stress too much about it. They actually have engr as a back up and that is NEVER bad. Take it from a chemical engineer who got to do so many things and have worked in many functions from marketing to supply chain to engineering. Itā€™s a nice entry ticket to whatever they want to pursue.

I donā€™t want to monopolize the thread with this, but literally a CS vs EECS applicant from Cal will be seen just about the same. My husband has been in the industry for 30+ years, and said they do not differentiate. The major requirements are literally the same. There is a core sequence, and then you choose a bunch of other classes based on your interests for the most part. you can do a more EE track or CS geared track. I donā€™t think having the EE part really makes you more marketable (itā€™s definitely a prestigious major to be part of, I donā€™t want to diminish that, but I really do feel anecdotally that they are treated the same in the job market). I have friends who are recruiters at major software companies who have said the same thing. If you have a bigger interest in EE, than apply to COE under EECS, as that is not available in L&S. Good luck to all the applicants!


I should clarify you can still take EE classes if you are in L&S, but you canā€™t earn an electrical engineering degree. Sorry, that wasnā€™t clear!

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donā€™t worry. thereā€™s still another round in march. hope you get in thenā€¦

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I found more information for 20-21.
15881 applications for College of Engineering, 1934 admitted, 929 enrolled.

62596 applications for College of L&S, 11102 admitted, 4269 enrolled.


Quick question

For everyone in their portals does it say

**If you need to contact us regarding your application, provide your name and this reference number: ()


>Your application has been received and is currently under review.

Decisions will be available on or before March 25, 2021.

Questions? Click here for Application FAQs.

I dont feel like I saw the words status update at the the top till today, but I could be wrong . Was very excited for a second tho

My Son got in for Letters & Sciences but didnā€™t get any email about the scholar program. Does he have to send an email?
His stats are 4.81 GPA and 1580 SAT.
He applied for Economics & Policy.
We are out of state.

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Wow. Those engineering numbers are sobering. and thatā€™s last year!