*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

At this point, is there any chance of getting an interview for GMP? Website says they’d be released late January but I just wanted to check

May be interviews are only for those they need more information. My daughter did get an interview but didn’t hear back in Feb wave. However I was just checking Haas site and there is a tab for new admits which is password protected.

Seems like some got in.

I applied for the GMP program

No interview/communication till now

Does that mean I was an auto-reject?

My daughter also applied. Same. No interview yet.


Is there an admitted students group chat or discord that we can join? My sibling got in a few weeks ago when they sent out early admission notifications. :slight_smile:

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i just received an invitation for the GMP program interview


If you find one please let me know, I’ve also been looking for an admitted students discord haha

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Post submitted by @UCBGUY75 : Post moved to this discussion.

When? When will they release?

My UCB Decisions Group:

Link: groupetin. com?join=D6BAm6UN

My daughter received one too


Can anyone CHANCE my son?

Applied to CS

1550 SAT
Unweighted GPA 3.9
Weighted GPA 5.09

Peer Tutor
Cyber Patriots Club - National Finalist
Math Team
Robotics Leader
Marching Band - Brass Lieutenant
Jazz Ensemble
ILMEA State Musician
Summer IT Tech Intern - 3 yrs
Tech Volunteer @ nursing home

I know there’s more, but this is all i can remember @ the moment

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One thing. Test score won’t count, they are test blind this year.

What is his UC GPA, capped and uncapped?

Ok. Calculating it now.

Here’s a calculator. If you’re out of state only APs count for honors courses - regular honors courses don’t get any extra points. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/&ved=2ahUKEwjk1ZjbzYrvAhUEU98KHT4-AY8QFjABegQIGhAC&usg=AOvVaw1WFSZEv6pf-utW9gQvTz9e

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If I did it correctly,

CA Unweighted 3.92
CA Weighted 4.24

Does he plan to be in any music ensembles at the school? Was that discussed in his essays?

He wants to major in Computer Science. Probably will do marching band.

I don’t know how or if this applies to Cal, but I know one young man whose commitment to musical theater helped him get into a particular school, even though he was majoring in an engineering school. But he had talked to the theater department and was all in with them. But if your son hasn’t pursued anything with the band program, then I guess that would not be considered in his admission decision.

I’ll see what others say on the chances, but I do know that almost no one is a shoe-in for Cal. Lots of kids with great stats get turned away. As they say, Cal is a reach for everyone.

Best of luck. My son is happy there - even during COVID - but was a transfer where admission chances are more favorable. My younger son is waiting to hear on CS now too, and it’s a super long shot for him. He can always pivot to the transfer route if he’s not satisfied with his choices, and your son can consider that as well. Again, best of luck to your boy.

Thanks! Yes, UC Berkeley is a big reach. Best of luck to your son!

I haven’t found one yet, but I’ll keep looking and let you know for sure if I do! :slight_smile: I guess we’re here too early as the majority of applicants have not heard back.