*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

I don’t think so, since you can change your recommender anytime (meaning you requested one teacher but decided to go with a better person who knows you very well and so you have the option to exclude the first one). In your case, as you have requested the same recommender again, it’ll not be a problem.

Hello. This is our first time asking a question on CC so not sure if we are doing this right. My son is OOS and has subject tests: 790 Chem, 780 Bio, 790 Math 2. Should he send them to Berkeley? Or is it better not to send if its not a 800.

@chuckwalla: Send the scores. They are competitive

Thanks Gumbymom!

I think you can self report and then send in after you’ve been accepted and plan to attend. It’ll save you $

Are official score reports needed for SAT Subject tests at the UCs?

Berkeley required official SAT Subject Test score reports last year (if you took the SAT, you should have been able to submit both with the same report). However, I would call the Admissions Office to be sure.

I would just send the Math Subject test since the AP scores look competitive. I would contact UCB admissions just to confirm if they need an official score report.

Did he report the scores on the UC application?

Anything that adds positively to the application review can only help.

I agree with @Pikachurocks15 to check with UCB admissions if they need an official score or if self-reported scores are acceptable.

Thank you. Did not report the scores on UC application yet. Planning to update the application.

Based on information on site it does not seem you need to submit the official scores until offered admission (didn’t specifiy SAT subject tests but true for all others).
Will call and confirm.

4. Order official test score reports.

Currently, UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding Regents and Chancellor’s scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used to determine your eligibility for the California statewide admissions guarantee, as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.

If you submit SAT/ACT test scores as part of your application, and you receive an offer of admission, you should report your official scores by May 1. When you have your official score report sent to one campus, it will be available to all campuses to which you applied.

5. Submit transcripts and AP, IB and A-Level exam scores after you accept an offer of admission.

You must have final, official transcripts and official AP, IB and A-Level exam scores sent to the campus where you plan to enroll.

Final, official transcripts must be postmarked or electronically submitted on or before July 1. Read more about transcript submissions »

Official AP, IB and A-Level exam scores must be submitted by July 15.

Okay, that’s what I figured as well.

Is regents scholarship typically given only to applicants who have 4.0 UW? I’m an immigrant who started learning English five years ago, and I have two Bs in AP Lang (applying as math major). Although I have a fairly high UC GPA (3.94, 4.75), I wonder if I have any chance, if not none.

Regent scholars are the top 1-2% of the application pool. How that translates based on GPA is up to each campus to determine. A 4.0 GPA does not guarantee consideration and a 3.94 GPA does not exclude you from consideration. Only time will tell and best of luck.

Do UCs consider that top 1-2% based on individual high school? Like, do they allot certain number of regents to every high school? Thanks!

Based on UCB’s selection criteria for Regents, it is the applicant pool as a whole and not based on an applicants HS but I am not in admissions so I cannot say for sure.

Selection Criteria:
Candidates are selected from the top applicants to UC Berkeley though a holistic review process determined by the Academic Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Financial Aid.

Faculty interviews and scholarship consideration for freshman candidates takes place in early March.

Did anyone get email to setup their portal? My daughter still hasn’t received any notification to create portal login so was wondering?

yeah I got it just after submitting. Have your daughter check her spam folder?

It came in the first week of December (soon after the submission deadline). Pls ask her to check spam or social or promotion folders)

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Thank you, it was in spam folder:)

I thought both UCB and UCLA are SAT/ACT blind (they are not allowed to look at your SAT/ACT scores) due to a court ruling. Are you sure you can submit SAt/ACT score to UCLA and UCB, if so, how?