*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Congratulations! Does this mean you got into the school in general?

I actually have no clue whether GMP applicants are evaluated for L&S. Itā€™s very clear that MET applicants are considered for a second choice major in the college of engineering ā€” but I canā€™t find any official communication that says whether GMP applicant will be considered for admission into the school should we not get into the GMP program.

However, Iā€™ve heard that receiving an interview is a good sign but take that with a grain of salt

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My son is a freshman in the dorms at Cal right now (got in from WL). For context, his numbers were:
Unweighted GPA: 3.73
Weighted GPA: 4.09
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.09
highly ranked public HS
SAT 1390 (710 Reading, 680 Math)
Probably ā€œvery goodā€ essays, all of them pointing to his EC, relating to life etc
Extensive but very focused EC, really all centered around an artistic accomplishment in one discipline.
Demographic - mixed Asian/white

I have another son who is all As at same HS (junior now). Total of 6 AP classes through Jr. year. The second semester of his Soph year they only gave P/NP grades.
He will probably be:
Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.63
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.42

BUT I think he will have a tougher time getting in. And I think it will be bc of his essays and ECs


Hey guys, so I was accepted last month. (Assuming I end up accepting the admission) I noticed in my portal that it asks for several AP test scores for my AP classes this year. However, I am considering not taking one of those AP exams. Am I required to take all of the ones listed in the portal? If I decide not to take one, will this affect my acceptance and do I need to let them know about this change?

edit: I should note I would be taking 4 of 5 listed.

I would call or email the admissions office and ask them.


Yes, not taking AP exams you agreed to take can be cause for taking back your acceptance. You should email them and explain your situation. If they allow you, then you can skip the exam. You should keep their email reply as evidence.

I may well be wrong, but I donā€™t think they would rescind you for this. AP exams are evaluated with testing, so once youā€™re admitted, theyā€™re just there for credit, right?
They donā€™t count for your class grades, so itā€™s not like you failed a class if you donā€™t take the exam.
And you are under no obligation to send a score to a university if you donā€™t want to (for any standardized test).
Having said that, let me know if you reach out to them and they give you another answer.

Thanks! That was my original thinking, but the FAQ section appears to say otherwise (though the language gets confusing because it only specifies passing scores). Iā€™m going to wait to hear back from my other schools first, and should I choose Cal, Iā€™m going to reach out to them and Iā€™ll let you know :slight_smile:


I donā€™t believe you must take the AP test, but please call to clarify. itā€™s so they can award you credit based on scores, thatā€™s why they ask you to upload scores. They can rescind if you drop your classes or have bad grades your last semester, or if you end up with legal issues. I donā€™t think there are any parameters you are bound by regarding AP tests.

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From the UC FAQā€™s about enrolling:
Q: Why do I have to send AP scores if I do not intend to take these courses in college and do not intend to seek college credit for the AP test?
A: Because you were admitted on the strength and truthfulness of your application, you must send us your credit-bearing AP scores. The admission of any applicant who has provided misinformation on AP exams or scores is subject to cancellation.

To me, this means that you need to submit your AP scores you have listed on your application. Since you stated you are taking AP classes and the corresponding exams Senior year, these would be included in the AP score report. I would still get clarification from admissions but it is more about making sure the scores you have already reported are correct.


Thank you so much! I would have never interpreted that as referring to the scores I already reported. Iā€™ll still make sure to reach out to them soon just to clarify.

Thanks to everybody for the advice, and good luck to all the remaining applicants!

Wow okay, thanks for translating this into English haha

I am waiting for regular admissions. I am taking 4 APs now but canceled the exam for one. Will it effect later.

I would confirm with admissions just to be sure.


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This happened to my daughter at Cal 3 yrs ago. She emailed admissions that she decided not to take the AP Gov one and it was fine. Let them know but donā€™t worry. Be sure you get their response in writing.

@Gumbymom My son was also accepted. For the UC application question - ā€œdo you have any AP exams (planned or completed) to report?ā€ - He claims that he had the foresight to not include any AP exams from his senior year. He only included AP exams he completed through his junior year, so he can submit the scores for those after accepting the offer. Based on the FAQ, it sounds like not taking AP exams (senior year) that were not listed in the application would not be an issue. Am I missing something?

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I believe you will not be penalized for not taking the AP exams Senior year. They want the AP score report if you did take any exams to match information to the UC application and to award the proper credit.

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I think the same.

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My son had reported that he will be taking 2 AP classes. Later these classes were converted to Dual Enrollment with credit from the local CSU. Even his teacher recommended not to take AP exams since the college credit is already there. Based on the discussion - I will recommend him to contact admissions to confirm that it is ok. Question: Should we wait till after decisions to reach out to only the accepted UCs?