*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**


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Does anyone know stats for oos acceptance rate for CS? I looked on their website & they do not break this out.

Which CS, EECS in Engineering or CS in L&S?

EECS in Engineering

Overall, the EECS admission is 6.7%
Studying Computer Science (CS) at UC Berkeley.

In regards to OOS acceptance in EECS, I could not find any but
admit rates between In-State, OOS, and Int’l is 19.7%, 22.1%, 8.8% respectively for overall admission into Berkeley. So by the ratios, I’m guessing that the EECS admission for OOS will be slightly higher than the average 6.7%.

Keep in mind, the data from these two sites are from different years (2019 v 2017)

Good luck to your son! I am also awaiting for EECS results as an OOS and have similar stats as your son.

Thank you for the response. It’s interesting that some schools actually post this info. Applied to UW CS & was not admitted, but admitted generally. They only admit @ 2.3% oos aps or 68aps/yr, which to tbh is a waste of time to even apply for oos kids. Just wondering if it will be the same @ UCB.

UCB is a high reach school for anyone applying there. Especially EECS with the abysmally small 6.7% rate which is small enough for OOS and In-state preference to be insignificant if you look at the bigger picture.


Does anyone know the acceptance rate for CS@ UCB in the college of Letters and Science

This is little debatable. AOs says that they accept you in L&S as undeclared. For declaring CS as majors you have to maintain certain gpa.

17% but that’s not specific to CS. As supergirl77 said you have to meet certain requirements to declare CS, after being admitted to L&S.

Can anyone tell me about the 9% ELC, does UC even consider it or there is no point in holding out any hope for it. I recently got to know Texas has an auto admit feature for their top students. Anyone who has gotten in with the ELC consideration?

If you are ELC and do not get into a UC of your choice then your application will be referred to UCM if room is available.

Anyone know the acceptance rate for mechanical engineering?

Does anyone know the acceptance rate for econ?

They don’t accept by major so it would be the acceptance rate for Letters and Sciences, I believe.

Is it just me but I think acceptance rates are going to go wayyy down this year, there are so many more people applying.

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Does anybody know the acceptance rate for Rausser College of Natural Resources?

Mathematically, if the # of enrolled slots are fixed while apps are up, acceptance rate will decrease.

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It is not that clear. Enrollment rates will decrease. But acceptance rates? That’s hard to say.

Accepting the right number of students is critical. If too many say yes, dorms may be overcrowded. If too many spurn the offers, the school could face a revenue shortfall.

Mathematical models to predict which admitted students might accept their offers and enroll as freshmen are proving useless.

More here: Expect College Wait Lists to Be Obnoxiously Long This Year - WSJ

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Thanks…sadly not the best option.