*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

When do we think that Berkley decisions will come out?

Do you know if they can reach to school counselors directly for LORs/counselor reports.

I am not sure what you are asking? The LOR’s are submitted directly to admissions via the student portal from the teachers and counselors.

Sorry for not providing much details. We did not receive any addition requests for LORs. However we noticed that our school counselor had submitted LORs directly from the school’s student portal in Jan.

My D was excited to get notified of early acceptance to UCB. She would go in planning to major in Bio (MCDB). She also got into UCSB College of Creative Studies (CCS), UCD, UCSD, and UCSC, but waitlisted at her top choice UCLA (a heartbreaker!). She is very interested in CCS and loves UCSB but we live in SB and she wants to get away. She is leaning toward UCB and I was initially very supportive but both of us are concerned about the culture. The more I read on these sites the more it sounds super intense and cutthroat. I have seen phrases such as “soul-crushing”. She is a very! serious student and drawn to the prestige of Cal but she does want to have a college experience with social engagement. I should mention we are also going to NOLA to visit Tulane where she was accepted EA with nice merit. Other privates coming but not expecting the finances to line up. Any guidance about Cal (and other) is appreciated. We are now likely narrowing down to: Berkeley, UCSB CCS, Tulane, and UCLA waitlist!

Would it be safe to say that Berkeley admissions are more “holistic” than UCLA? I’ve heard that applications to UCLA are pretty much completely dependant on your GPA.

A quick look at a GPA-vs-SAT admissions scatterplot for UCLA will quickly disabuse you of that notion:


If anything, Berkeley’s is more tightly clustered:


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Some HS’s automatically send LOR’s and Counselor reports even they are not requested. If UCB wanted these documents, your student would have been notified through their student portal. Since they were sent without the UCB request, they would have not been reviewed.

my brother attends UC Berkeley and he told me the admissions are more holistic versus UCLA which is very dependent on gpa


I got a video essay request for MET but was not offered a place in the program. Does that increase my chances for EECS in the college of engineering?

@Yourownsherlock: It certainly makes you a competitive applicant.

There is no proof of added advantage mentioned anywhere tho

@Yourownsherlock: Correct

I might be wrong I am accepted to UCLA for EE. My gpa is just ok.
Uw 3.8
UC capped 4.13
UC weighted 4.5
SAT 34.

I have the heaviest course load of my school and 2 cc classes. I am 4 times AIME qualifier and USACO gold.
Varsity swim team and year round swimmer with an highly recognized team. I have super Ecs related to engineering. So I personally think that it’s my overall and application that AOs considered rather than only stats. But as I said I am not sure about it.

Congratulations to your daughter! CCS at UCSB is an amazing program! Does she want to get away from home or away from Santa Barbara? Why did she apply into CCS and what drew her to that program? I know two families with brilliant children where the older went to UCB and the younger chose CCS. I am happy to PM you more details if you are interested.

Tagging @mikemac who seems to know a lot about the CCS program and how it compares to other schools.


When did MET decisions come out?

@SmartyMC MET came out last month. My mentee has been fully immersed in the MET chat group.

@parentjunior17 I don’t think it’s cutthroat in that students sabotage each other. My cousin was premed (she’s in residency now) with Berkeley UG and had a great time. It is more intense because it’s tough to get in and the cream of the crop gets in. It’s probably top 5 in the US/World for Bio. Your new cohort at Berkeley will be among the top high school kids at the school so it comes with it a more accelerated learning environment. Candidly, if she has plans to go to grad school, I don’t think it’s an issue. For med school where they only care about GPA, MCAT and demonstrated passion for meds, the GPA may take a hit. However, I don’t know your daughter’s capability. My S21 likes to enjoy life and with his style, I don’t think he would do well at Berkeley (but who knows since high school has been too easy for him) but my daughter would likely thrive there.

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Really nervous now for the decision on 3/25 after UCLA (Waitlisted), UCI (Waitlisted), UCSD(Waitlisted), UCD(Regents), UCSC(Regents)

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If a student completes the required courses with the minimum required GPA and petitions (or whatever it’s called) for the CS major, are they automatically admitted, or is there still some competition among all who met the minimum and/or is there a lottery?