*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Even if she takes the exams and tests out of a class, she can still take the college course if she wants to. Also, the extra units are rarely used towards graduation other than those used to replace a course requirement (like Calc and English). You will have so many major requirements that you will hit your graduation units before counting your AP units.

Thank you

Do you know if the email was sent to all the applicants? I don’t think my daughter received one. Her portal still says it’s still under review.

I think it was to everyone. My son received his on 2/11. Your daughter probably wants to check her junk mailbox.

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It was sent to all. And I believe that is what all the portals say.


Thank you, @NJ08809 & @jntwinmama. Yes, my daughter did receive the email on Feb 11. Thank you for your support. :slight_smile:


I believe its both

Does Berkeley come tmw or tonight

Tomorrow around 3pm (PST).


I feel like I have 0% chance of getting in tomorrow cause my uw GPA is only 3.75 and my w is 4.15.


That’s okay! My daughter has a 4.7 and has zero chance! We are just thankful that she has choices at all this year! Good luck to everyone and get ready thrive whatever college you choose!!!


Why does she have zero chance?

UCB is reach for everyone. High GPA is not the only thing for admissions.


My son has 4.0 uw GPA 4.5w GPA most 5 in Ap’s Doing IB diploma super extracurriculrs -orchetrs robotics FBLA - president of all clubs, varsity tennis for 4 years, started non profit, research internship. State awards
 DOes he have any chance as OOS Student?

Same here. 4.53 GPA and maxed out STEM classes, but applied to EECS which has a ridiculously low acceptance rate. So, so grateful my kid has options he’s excited about, though.

UC application review criteria: How applications are reviewed | UC Admissions

Everyone has a chance but with so many high achieving students, there are just not enough spots available.

Well maybe not zero but I believe their review is very holistic and they are looking for a certain mix of students for each cohort. My daughter applied to Aerospace so I’m thinking it’s super super competitive and there are tons of kids just like her. But it’s totally okay. I’m thrilled for every single student that does get accepted to Cal!

Everyone has a chance, we just don’t know what AOs will like or dislike in our app.

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Or what kind of day they are having! :laughing:. For example, my daughter’s AO was having a great day when her UCLA app was being read but the AO for UCSB was having a horrible day! :tired_face:


Your daughter has a good chance.

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