*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Maybe i am wrong about this year. But everyone was so convinced last year too. And nothing became of it.

Why fill the portals with 3 different messages if it’s not an indication

What kind of glitch was last year?

It wouldn’t be intentional. If it is an indicator, it’s a side effect of the results being loaded into the system that they didn’t catch

feel like that makes it even more likely

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There were several. There was something about a school address that showed up in some portals and not others. There was a button that revealed a note regarding steps to getting on the waitlist. This note came and went

I personally do think it’s a solid indicator, but we won’t know for sure until this evening. Only way we may know beforehand is if UCB patches it (most likely they wouldn’t patch it if it wasn’t an indicator)

I don’t think they will patch it because today is already a decision day and students will get decision today no matter what

Just don’t discount @Gumbymom ‘s take on this. She’s been here a long time, and this comes up every year. Many of us wrote off her rational takes. I wish i hadn’t. Then again, I’m the one who actively looked for an outlet like this board


guys please. just relax. nobody knows anything until 3pm PST

And one other thing: some of you will get waitlisted. The wait is torturous, and the unexplained portal changes continue during this process.
Of course, we will obsess over these changes regardless, because that’s why we spend time on this board in the first place.

man, this has been tough. seeing the first message (unauthorized), at this point i’m just so emotionally drained in this college decisions phase lol

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Is 3 pm PST confirmed?

nope. we just know that it is today

OK thanks, I heard any time between 3-5 PM PST.

“I wish to withdraw my application from further consideration”

What is the tea if I get this message?

Wait list apparently.

We think that “further consideration” means waitlist

if this is true, what is the waitlist acceptance rate for uc berkeley?

If I see one more comment saying to relax about indicators I’m gonna lose my freaking marbles :triumph:. Admissions day only happens once. If I want to stress myself out LET ME STRESS MYSELF OUT :running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4: