*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

I got that too. I will let you guys know too.

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“I wish to withdraw my application from further consideration.” People are speculating this means a waitlist


 That’s not true at all. Even after you get accepted the download thing doesn’t show anything

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Mate I again emphasize the point. I have seen it work. Hadn’t it been working it would just say that the link is not valid for which it doesn’t

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looks like UCSD admission officers were not smart enough and actually released indicators beforehand, since what people were speculating actually was accurate this year.
If it happened at one UC, I see no reason why it can’t happen at Cal


yeah that’s just what he said to me so he could be wrong

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except UCSD indicators weren’t actually accurate

I can’t attest to other UC indicators but I know that my indicators for UCSD showed a rejection but I got accepted anyway

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what people were speculating “this is an indicator” was actually an indicator. However, they misunderstood what is a waitlist and what an acceptance.

The only way I would believe the speculation is inaccurate is if a good number of people saw their message change over the course of time. One person here did say that their friend had their message change from unauthorized to something else. That the case with anyone else?

thank you, this is correct.

It seems pretty likely to me that the indicator is accurate. The portal indicators have already been true for 3 of the schools I applied to so far. Also, the indicator makes logical sense and from what I have seem, people who expect to be rejected have one message while people who are likely to be accepted have another. Obviously we won’t know for sure until they release decisions.

We will know a definite answer in less than 3 hours. This waiting/wondering/stressing period is so unnecessary for the HS class of 2021. Hang in there, everyone!

The UCSD indicator was accurate

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less than 3? I thought it was 6-8 hours

I think more like 6 hours

in less than 3 hours? How so? Decisions can be released from 3-5 pm CA time. Right now it is 9 am in Cali.

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Itll most likely be exactly at 3 pm pst. Thats whats been happening for the last 3 years.

As a representative from HS class of 21, I will tell you that waiting/wondering/stressing period actually helps us to 1)socialize with other seniors in the same situation and 2)deal with the college admissions period.