*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Well on my transcripts there were Cs and Bs and 37 is only a predicted?..

many schools regard a 6 as an A rather than a B so that likely skewed ur calculations :slight_smile: i had a 39-40/42 and my UC GPA was like a 4.4

yes I did as a music major

might just be ur school has grade deflation im assuming

? really!! Oh I didnā€™t know, I thought having a B on your transcript is like a 3.3 and a C is a 2 or something

yeah but they have no choice but to use the predicted lol

the predicted and grades donā€™t add up. ur school is definitely deflated. im sure you got in 100%

if i click on withdraw it wont pull my application out right lol?

na lmao

no lol

true thing I suppose, and my ski is very super harsh on those but my British counsellor still shouted at me saying that I should have ED a 30+ ranked LAC cause I wonā€™t get into any US college blabla

Thanks for your kind words, I will keep you updated!!!

wait so whats it mean if it says not authorized to use the form thats bad right lmao

honestly no clue at this point. ig we are just speculating to pass time. ultimately, the decision letter will tell the final outcome!

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I just realised for the statement of purposes we write at school ( as like part of language paper) Iā€™ve always written about UC Berekely. Iā€™ve been writing about it since 9th grade :pleading_face: i found an old one while cleaning out my cupboard. clearly some part of me has always been drawn to it and I didnā€™t even realize. I hope I get in but I doubt it :disappointed_relieved:

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Are decisions coming out before noon pst?


yeah bro and Iā€™m instate for unc and isntate tuition is so niceeee, but the problem with ross is that its kinda hard to double major from what ive heard

Can I appeal my denial if I just say ā€œbut my portal astrology saidā€¦ā€


i saw that exact comment on a2c so I assume thatā€™s you, but thatā€™s p dope

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