*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

bio major here LOL

damn haha

My kid has option 1, unauthorized. In state, accepted at all UCs except WL at UCLA. Regents at UCI/UCR.

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Given what you’re saying, it’s likely the message hidden in the page is the same. NOT the entire source code

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so are you saying the source codes of a waitlist and accept page are the same. and that we’ll only know later on?

y’all what if it literally means nothing and we’re all being dramatic af


love you all be y’all sound crazy as hell . education is education, it’s not that deep

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So basically the source code for the “ waitlist”has the same writing as the one for the “acceptance.” they both talk about cancelling the “admission” and i’m honestly not sure how to describe it well but i saw it on reddit and tried it myself as well. i have the “waitlist option” but when i looked at the code it had the same message as those who are “accepted”.


historically however, significant differences in portals has always been some kind of indicator of admission.

yeah that is what i mean and i’m not sure if that disproves this entire “acceptance and waitlist” theory

yeah ik i’ve done this too. but what are you saying it means?

meaning that there is some code in there that chooses to display that message over the other one. It has to mean something .

ok even if it does — what is the point of analyzing it to such an extreme


applicant status could very well be in the backend and be used to display different withdraw messages in frontend

It inches me closer to a conclusion that rejected students had their “access denied” assigned explicitly, preventing them from accessing the page everyone else would see.

I bet the message you’re speaking of in the source code is a long-term artifact, one that could have been there when we all had access to the page.

then that just proves the theory

If the source code is the same then why is a different message showing up. It must mean something


i just saw it on reddit and someone said that it could mean that those with the alleged “waitlist option” could be accepted as well


The mechanism (code) determining which message to show is either in the backend or frontend. My page is unauthorized so I can’t check myself. If it were in the frontend someone would have found it by now, so it’s probably in the backend

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