*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Unauthorized applicant here. Im not sure why Im still here when I know I got rejected lol. Congrats to everyone that can withdraw! A waitlist or acceptance are fantastic achievements. Unfortunately, Im not sure that Berkley was meant to be for me.


what does UCB decisions come out in PST since im in cali

It says late evening so 3 to 5 pm pst ig

what is this source code withdraw application thing lmao i just woke up and mine says “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”

that seems to be the positive one.

Any other update email?

I see nothing. They better release decisions all the the same time. I cant do an UCI again and wait and wait :sob:

The home address of people who were rejected disappeared before decisions came out.

I think this guy is kidding

Bruh dont play w hearts

can you explain this to me im so confused LOL and I kinda don’t want to scroll up and read

what the…


if you click the withdraw application link on your portal it is supposedly indicative of admission.

How can only one get decision

cappppppp af


can’t withdraw, does that mean something?

I am pretty sure Berkeley doesn’t release the results in batches

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All the best everyone :slight_smile:

i applied MET and haven’t heard yet

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