*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**


there is no way the berkeley IT team would let indicators be this obvious. Unauthorized likely means the page is just frozen Bcs updates are occurring-

  • waitlisted students likely won’t have to withdraw their application using this link Bcs the waitlist page will have its own options like with UCLA’s waitlist page

I refuse to 100% believe in my acceptance until I see the decision with my own eyes :joy:

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Updates a few hours before decisions are due? Highly unlikely

I agree. When I got waitlisted at a school the link to be on the waitlist or get off was on available in the actual letter. I really do not think there is a direct correlation between these withdraw messages and admissions decisions. Berkeley knows better.

UCLA’s did

I mean Stanford had obvious indicators that were accurate

They are not that obvious. Who would think that you should withdraw to see the decisions?:flushed::smirk::joy:


I hope berekely knows better because i want to get in and this no authorization thing is killing my buzz😭


what if unauthorized does just mean not loaded yet?

Don’t feel bad, son SAT 1560, NMF, EA Purdue, still waitlisted, you did not miss anything.

people who had “no authorization” yesterday evening still have it now. Like you would think that It should have changed to one of the withdraw options already.

yea sir it sucks. We worked so hard in hs just for these rejections and waitlists.

Did some people say that they had both the “I will not be attending” and “I would like to withdraw my app from further consideration” messages?

Maybe but I feel like colleges who announce dates already had things planned right? Like UCSB and stuf. They get everything ready before so they can meet their expected deadlines

that’s true, but maybe it’s some sort of glitch. whatever, we will see soon

i have not authorised, and honestly after this im waiting for nyu and ivies, kinda lost all hope

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same man!

PLSS GUYS I’m so freaking nervous and scared

When yall post decisions, put what was there when you clicked withdraw so we can see if the theory had any merit