*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

there is a limited number of pages that can even be viewed directly from ur application that can have any potential indicators. it is not likely that the records “glitched” to where it is this obvious that u got in or didn’t. even if the acceptances r indicative — the default and unauthorized pages don’t mean rejection for sure.

it is likely that they double check records and manually finalize applications in the system- theres a reason the decisions are not already out, it’s Bcs backend updates r happening through the day and ur actual decision is the only way to truly know.

  • if the default option for the past few months was “further consideration” then it makes no sense that waitlisted individuals would have the same thing if the pages are being updated
  • “unauthorized” simply indicates that changes are being made to the page or that it is not accessible because updates are happening (could easily mean a later acceptance or waitlist)
  • the only indicator that is potentially valid is the “not coming to Berkeley” option Bcs that is a clear change with a visible update

so basically …

  • all those who think they have been accepted- yay:)!
  • the rest of us- let’s stay positive and not assume the worst Bcs anything can still happen

I believe in you! Facts > speculations. Just wait to see what the decision is. Good luck :slight_smile:


I agree with everything in your message except for the above. In a portal like UCLA’s, the withdraw application button isn’t available for rejected students. If Berkeley releases in the same way this page would remain inaccessible for rejected students

Is it confirmed that “further consideration” was the message before? I think they just haven’t updated them all yet if this is the case.

UCLAs portal wasn’t much of anything for rejects lol just a letter and a logout button


for rejected and waitlisted students…the ucla portal has no withdraw button at all once decisions are released. that is different from the button linking to a page that says unauthorized.

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You never know how life turns. Sure, it feels sour. But one should not treat oneself as a victim no matter what happens. Your hard work in HS is yours to build your future. No rejection letter can take that away. Chin up, embracing every adventure with smiles. That’s what I told my son.


I have “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application” check-box thingy.

~3.95 UW GPA. ~4.67 UC Weighted GPA. Applied for L&S C.S. Earned an AA from community college as well.

As for the subjective things (ECs, Essays), I can’t really make comments on those since I’m just a high schooler.

Accepted all UCs except UCLA (flat rejection. no waitlist) and UCSB (waitlisted?)

what time will cal decisions be coming out?

That’s my son as well, and with direct admit to his major, and just found out yesterday he got Regents! Not sure he would take Cal even if he got in, and based on “the indicators” he is not going to get in anyway.

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3pm pst

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If you were to copy the withdraw button link on UCLA’s portal before release and put it back in following rejection, I’d bet the page would look very similar

UCLA’s portal was down this wasn’t an option


exactly- the portal was not up and once decisions did come out the withdraw button no longer existed for rejected/waitlisted students.

I literally have to take a test now…

but the withdraw button wasn’t available to people who got into irvine

Thanks, thats what my dad told me to. He told me that its necessary to face rejections to become successful. He also told me that I could still end up at a phenomenal school and that one rejection at one school does not correlate to the other.


Fine. Let’s go with a more generalized approach: you copy UVA’s withdraw link before being rejected and paste it in later. Page would probably look the same as UCB’s does now (they use the same system)

not that you guys asked - but im getting unauthorised, and if yall want to see my stats:

I have a feeling everything is just on a time delay and it will all update when decisions get released. “Unauthorized” could become authorized.

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