*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

yess!!! you only need one yes :))))

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Y’all are CRAZY just wait like a few more hours. Go touch some grass fr


The withdraw button wasn’t visible for anyone at some point, regardless, of the decision for UCI.

yea that’s exactly what I am waiting on.

Wise dad and wise son, you will be great!

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not likely. if it hasn’t changed in 24 hours, its not gonna change now. gg everyone

Covid test now :joy:

counter example : ucla

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bro the ucla portal was down istg how is this a counter eg

obviously they took it down to make changes

who knows guys for example withdraw wasn’t even an indicator for ucsd other things were we should wait till an hour before they come out for more info

Where in your portal does it say this?

what time is it coming?

Covid test yesterday, macroeconomics test today :persevere:

After clicking on withdraw in the bottom left corner of the MAP portal it takes me to a page with a checkbox and the text that I sent right next to it.

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are we sure that decisions come out from 3-5?

why did it close?