*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**


I can only reply to other people and not create a new message. Can someone help me navigate the interface? :smiley:

ugh the fans always be talking :unamused::yawning_face:


Thatā€™s how u know we went too far hahah


Does anyone know what time decisions are coming out today? Sorry Iā€™m new to this discussion lol

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the mod just wrote a note :))

I see you heross28 :smirk:

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So, speculation asideā€¦ Did anyone here from the University before this? The last one I got was on Feb 12.

lol, some people here cannot fathom that they beat people who got into Caltech, MIT, Yale, UCLA by getting the withdraw option which they are not getting.


t minus 1.5 hrs

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I think they meant whether we received any emails from Berkeley after Feb 12.

@aarybalkar I didnā€™t


Guys! Letā€™s stay calmā€¦ I did 20-ish University decisions last year and applied again this year, and the only definitive one we had was NYU (getting off the waitlist).

Most of these indicators are fun for snooping around, but they often end up meaning nothing at all. If you think you got in and feel the need to gloat, donā€™t gloat yet. If you donā€™t have the indicator of acceptance, donā€™t fear it yet. It is not over till it is officially over. Whether we get in or not, most of us will eventually end up at a University that we like and get a good quality education. So, lay back, calm down, and letā€™s support each other instead of resorting to name-calling over a speculation! :smiley:


If you guys need to listen to anyone listen to @eligrayy cuz honestly sheā€™s the queen and knows it all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Itā€™s literally true though. Iā€™m actually the puppetmaster pulling all the strings.

(also he)*

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Good luck rat kevin is here. Say ā€œBless me o kind Kevinā€ for good luck. :smiley:


Good luck to everyone here! We at CC are rooting for you :heart: no matter what happens.

Remember, side effects of portal speculation include dizziness, shortness of breath, fits of rage, a soul-sucking sense of despair, and an increase in personal toxicity. Just say no! :face_with_head_bandage:

(and welcome all of you from Reddit! :wink:)


What indicators are you guys talking about?

just scroll back :skull:

or donā€™t, itā€™s legit so close heh