UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

March 24 is Decision day for UCB so I am starting the Waitlist/Appeal discussion thread.

Below are some Waitlist stats from the last few years. Page 6 of this link explains common questions regarding the waitlist note from 2021: https://apply.berkeley.edu/counselor/freshman_FAQs.pdf

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 11,725 Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 6,871
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 359

2020 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 8,753
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:5,043
Number of wait-listed students admitted:1,651

2019 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 7,531
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 3,975
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1,098

2018 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 7,824
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 4,127
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1,536

2021 Appeals:
Appeals received: 1617
Appeals granted: 9

2020 Appeals:
Appeals submitted: 1264
Appeals approved: 34
Q: Can I appeal my admission decision?
A: Any applicant who is denied admission may submit an appeal. (Note: Appeals from students on the wait list will not be considered.) We strongly discourage an appeal unless you can provide significant new information for us to consider. Our freshman selection process involves a careful, individual reading of each application, and it is very unlikely that we will choose to reverse our original decision. If you do have significant new information to present and decide to appeal our admissions decision, all Appeal requests are due by May 1, 2021.
Appeals completed by May 1 will be considered on time and will receive a response by June 1, 2021. In the appeal letter, you must provide significant new information (i.e., semester grades, additional achievements) for us to consider. Advise us of any change in your email address in case we need to contact you during the appeal process.
Even if you choose to appeal, we recommend that you do not delay in accepting an admission offer from another college or university. We do NOT accept appeals mailed via postal mail, telephone, fax, or email. All appeal requests must be made using the form on MAP@Berkeley FAQs.

Sorry if this is a repetitive question, but do you think WL acceptance rate and WL size will increase/decrease for Berkeley?

No way to know. With the higher application numbers for the year, they may waitlist more students which seems to be the trend. Admits vary from year to year so that is impossible to predict.

Those are very encouraging WL stats as far as #s admitted although one still needs to treat a WL as a no.


I posted this last year and although it was originally posted on the Georgia Tech Blog site, message is universal.

Georgia Tech Admission Blog – 23 Mar 21

The Waitlist. Why?!

Listen to “The Waitlist…Why?! – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. The only thing more annoying than a four-year old incessantly asking you why is a twelve-year-old, impersonating a four-ye…

Is the WL at UC Berkeley ranked? Do they look at the LOCI only or look at the entire wait list persons application?

UCB’s waitlist is not ranked. You need to opt into the waitlist, it is not automatic. The waitlist essay is your LOCI.

Students who choose to opt-in to the wait list may choose to complete this optional written statement. While this is not a requirement, the essay may serve to provide further information to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at Berkeley.

Wait list Essay
Share, in 500 words or less - anything we may not have already learned about you through your application.
Topics to use for the statement may include: Awards and recognition obtained since the point of application, Explanation of any course changes, challenges faced since the point of application. Please remember there is no right or wrong answer, simply the opportunity to share additional information.

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So the ppl they accept off of WL is just rng :sob:

I am sure their is some type of logic to the waitlist admits but admissions will never reveal it.

waitlisted 20 minutes ago… considering the acceptance rates for waitlisted students in 2021, things aren’t looking too good :confused:

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Does anybody have advice for the UCB waitlist? A bit bummed out but what happens happens.


Make the most of the waitlist statement and show UCB why you would be an asset to the Campus and the Community. Cite specific programs, professors, activities at UCB to help achieve your goal along with any new achievements since submitting your UC application.




Our year (CLASS OF 2025) was quite different than the previous years. We had 2 waves consisting of almost 90% In-State Changemaker kids.

Dates were Tuesday, May 10th (small but adequate) and Tuesday, May 24th (this one was super small).

The glitch is when the yellow box shrinks and the bear is only there and it always happens between 11 AM - 1 PM PST.

Our waitlist got extended from June 1st to June 30th (I anticipate that it will get extended even more cuz that is how Berkeley is).

The moral of the story is that do not depend on the Berkeley waitlist and don’t get your hopes up too high because they waitlisted quite a lot of kids after being test blind. No point holding any hope after the second wave is done.

The point that I want to make fully clear is: OPT INTO THE CHANGEMAKER PROGRAM IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GO TO UC BERKELEY (if you are instate you will most probably get in if you select this program).

Otherwise, it is okay if you do not get off the waitlist (I know it can be heartbreaking, but in reality, this school is quite competitive).

I myself was an out-of-state kid who opted into the changemaker and FPF program as an L&S Economics major, and of course, I did not get the result I anticipated.

It is still a great accomplishment getting waitlisted from this high caliber of a school, and regardless all of you guys will be fine and successful.

Edit: Waitlist was closed June 30th, Wednesday around 6:01 PM PST


Hello all you waitlisted future bear potentials! Congratulations on making it this far!!! What an accomplishment! This was my son’s dream school, and when he got waitlisted on this day 4 years ago, I thought he’d be sad but his response was “solid!” I was so relieved he was honored to even make it to the waitlist instead of rejection pile. He chose to write the 500 word essay, exuding this same optimism with his accomplishments since application submission. He expressed his continued interest while letting them know he knew he would be ok no matter the outcome. He was accepted off the waitlist a few weeks later first round. Now jumping ahead 4 years, he’s about to graduate with a major and minor and has absolutely enjoyed his amazing Cal ride! It is possible, believe that it is, and submit those compelling essays! Good luck, and no matter the outcome, congratulations again on making it this far! You’re amazing! Gooo bears !:bear:


This is my daughter’s 4th Waitlist including UCSD, UCI and UCSC.

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That’s really reassuring to hear, thanks for sharing. Can you provide any insight as to what your son wrote his essay about?

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@quotemaster he wrote about updates to his accomplishments/accolades since he had applied, that he was honored to even be waitlisted, and pretty much that in the long run he knew he’d be good no matter the school he ended up going. I loved his essay because he truly was honored to make it to even a waitlist and as a reader you could feel that…and to this day he hasn’t taken 1 minute of being there for granted. :white_heart::bear: Best of luck to you :crossed_fingers:t3:

Can you elaborate more on the changemaker program?