UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

To be honest, I think the later the results are announced means they probably don’t need waitlist.


UCR did had wl movements, I saw people got in off the waitlist.

Can you link some of the posts for the admitted UCR waitlist students? Crickets here on CC.


I don’t remember where I saw it, but also someone on the ZeeMee today said that they got off the waitlist like last week.

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I hope Berkeley are just being over cautious this year, especially considering the enrollment freeze happened earlier.


Either they have a lot of space and are trying still figuring out who to pull off the list or they have no space and aren’t gonna pull anyone off the list at all is my prediction. If we don’t hear back by this Friday I don’t think they have space because they would have started sending out acceptances by then if they had space.


I agree. Although I am hopeful because there are a good amount of people in my school who got accepted to Berkeley but no one is attending. (Mostly because they got accepted into UCLA or got a better scholarship elsewhere). Though, I know my school’s acceptances are not indicative of waitlist movement or possible spots open.



Most people in my school who got into both Berkeley Ucla, or other schools that’s in the same tier turn down Berkeley. The only people I know who go with Berkeley either received the regents scholarship, or Berkeley is the only good school they got into.

Is your school in the Bay Area? Just curious.

Asking bc a similar phenomenon happens a lot for Michigan and Northwestern. Kids wanting to get away from local schools because of “warts” they know about.

My school is in the bay area.

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No mines in LA area.

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someone said they got into berkeley rn off waitlist did anyone here?



Hey I didn’t get anything either but where did you hear someone got off. No one got off from my school and even on ZeeMee or College confidential

someone on reddit said on the berkeley thread they may be trolling bo

Oh yeah I see it. They just deleted their post on a2c where they said berkeley waitlist waves are coming out. Could be a ■■■■■. The last hope is Friday 3PM(that’s when Berkeley likes to release decisions mostly)

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What makes you think that this Friday is the last hope? It could literally be any day (yes I know they usually send on Friday) but last years waitlist batch came out on Monday.

Should we call and ask them about the delay? I am an international student I need to start applying for my visa and if they delay it any longer I won’t receive my visa in time to attend this fall

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