UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Any chance of it coming today?

i think maybe next week

Yeah think so too

Imo that’s way too late alr


What glitches are we looking for?

Usually waitlist form

where can we see it? like where should i look?

Did anyone receive appeal decision? I appealed and heard back nothing from Berkeley.

Sorry, I meant withdrawal form. If it says “I will not be attending” vs “I am no longer interested”

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The problem with UC berkeley is that it’s one of the few universities that can move other waitlists like Gt & U Michigan Columbia etc
 so not releasing the waitlist until now is going to affect many students even those who got rejected by ucb but waitlisted at other schools


It’s not coming today
So probably next week

how can we tell it won’t be this week?

have there been any confirmed WL admits from in-state yet? 2 years ago the first wave happened on a Friday may 8th at around noon. (2020)

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Only during business days

No one has got in from in state across college confidential, reddit or discord. Now it’s looking like decisions will most likely come out next week

Do you guys think the reason why there is delay in announcing waitlist decisions are because there are too many students accepted the offer of admissions that the selection of waitlisted students became even harder or do they try to announce the appeal and waitlist decisions at the same time?

No point of announcing appeal and wl at the same time. Most likely there is enough people to make up the profile of class of 2026. Ig it’s time to move on guys.


I just joined the Berkeleyzeemee chat and someone from a while back(few days back) asked if Berkeley will be releasing wl decisions and the Berkeley representative said “yes.” This is a chat composed of in state students mostly so maybe they were referring to in state also when they said “yes”

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I think they might release it next week Tuesday or Friday and if they don’t release it next week also then we might be looking at overenrollment. However even when Berkeley overenrolled last yr they accepted around 350 students from the wl and also 9 appeals. Compared to this yr I personally don’t think the situation is as worse as last yr so lets wait for next week. But only time will tell

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