UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

My oldest was accepted from the WL in 2020. He included his 1st semester Sr. grades (which were definitely lower than his Jr. year grades). He also spent some of the spring semester abroad at a school in Spain. Certainly it is a lot to plan something like that now for most students, but if you can add something that may catch someone’s eye, something really different, that might help?

Is there anyone willing to help me craft appeal letter to UCB? Thanks.

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You can PM me.

@lkg4answers Do you know if the SEED application reviewers have access to the original UC application or should the SEED essays be completely distinct from the PIQs?

I am not sure. My understanding is that UC applications are kept within Admissions and this program is separate from admissions. Mine applied a couple of years ago when the program was first starting. I’m pretty sure she was burnt out on essay writing so reused PIQ and essays from other applications. She had already dismissed Cal from being a top contender (it came down to UCLA vs USC) so didn’t put the effort into it that she should have. Needless-to-say, she wasn’t selected.

Note: Did you intend to put this in the waitlist/appeal thread?

Thank you. That is helpful and I will advise him to reuse the PIQs to the extent relevant.

oops - I saw Berkeley on the thread title and didn’t notice closely. Kindly move to the main thread since I don’t think I have that permission.

Is it possible that due to the Enrollment cap, UCB admitted less students and more spaces are open now since the cap has been removed?

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The original verdict was in August 2021 so they most likely planned for both scenarios.

My S22 (got waitlisted UCB EECS, OOS) is planning to do essay (LOCI) early next week.

Guys what is the acceptance rate for engineering?

Off the waitlist or overall? From the waitlist, admit stats are not categorized by major.

Overall: For the 2021–22 academic year, there were 25,451 freshman applicants to the College of Engineering and 7.6% were admitted.

@Gumbymom May I have more information on the people whose appeal has been granted? Were they in-state?

The information posted does not breakout by in-state vs OOS, by major etc…. Just the numbers were given during the UC Counselor conference.

Essay/LOCI - Done & submitted.
Good Luck to all!! :crossed_fingers: :+1:

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Does anyone know the acceptance rates of the various Berkeley engineering majors? I’m especially curious about EECS and Industrial Engineering & Operations Research. Even if acceptance rates by major aren’t available, a general idea of where they rank within the 10 engineering majors would be super helpful. Thanks.

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For the waitlist essay, I know that they claim to consider it along the original application, but how does it work? Because I’m writing something that refers to things I talked about in my PIQs, do they read the waitlist essay first or reevaluate my UC app first?

They will review your original UC application information together with your waitlist essay. Do not rehash what you submitted in your UC application but is fine to go into further detail about anything significant you submitted. Better to emphasize any new information.

My DD is preparing an essay now. Do you recommend adding the fall semester courses even though she has two Bs? I wonder if that will hurt her possibility.

The way I look at is if she does not submit her Fall semester grades, the AO’s may wonder what is she hiding? 2 B’s is fine especially since admitted students are only required to maintain a 3.0 unweighted GPA for their provisional admission. Being on the waitlist shows she is qualified, they just do not have enough spots right now to offer her admission.

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Thanks so much for a quick response! Really appreciate it. Just added her grades!
Just one more question- For her AP courses, they are asking course numbers. Where can she find course numbers?