UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion


Post 400

oh i see😂

I still think that Berkeley will accept a reasonable amount from the waitlists next week or at least by the week after. UCSC, which is known to have a really low yield, has not released a single waitlist decision yet(according to the cc thread). It is impossible for UCSC to have that of a high yield that it won’t accept anyone from the waitlist. So I think Berkeley is probably going over apps and some decisions should come out next week(hopefully…)


So how do you explain the small amount of people who got off previously?

I mean berkeley could’ve just sent a reasonable amount of decisions by the first wave

It’s not impossible for UCSC to have a high enough yield to be overenrolled and not use their waitlist at all. In our immediate circle, there are many kids who, in last years, would have been committing to higher tier UCs, but UCSC is the only UC they got into. The top squeezed… the bottom got the overflow. Now the question is: were the top tier schools right in squeezing? Given the small amounts of waitlist activity, I’d say they are all pretty close to where they wanted to be. No one is throwing the doors open. I’d say it’s time to advise our kids to move on and get happy about where they paid their deposit.


I believe that there MUST be some waitlist activity over the coming weeks, and they will be mostly In-state.

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Do you guys think they over-enrolled again this year? I mean after last year’ over-enrollment, I think they won’t do that.

I agree, lets not worry too much since we are all qualified and waitlist spots will come once they have figured out everything. They already decreased the amount of acceptances by 2600 so they should be fine.


Where’d you find that info just curious ?

Actually they ended up NOT decreasing acceptances after all. There was a mid March save by the Governor.


According to waitlist thread of 2025
They started receiving decisions for the second wave around 24 may

They already cut the number of international students during the RD, is that possible for them not to offer more international students offers? I mean, if they really want to maintain financial balance.

Also OOS

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From where did you get this?

So the first wave is actually out? Is it legit?

yeah it‘s true

The trend does unfortunately look like last year’s where they pulled very few from the waitlist. Remember to keep your head up and no matter what college you attend, you will do amazing!


Have there been any OOS (non-international) getting admitted from waitlist?

Do they email a reject to waitlisted candidates once they close admissions?