UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion


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Yes but it wasn’t instate.

So no more international will be accepted from waitlist??

Of course there will be some int getting off this week

Are all OOS waitlist decisions out? I haven’t really heard anything on their end, mostly just International students.

Looks like they may start releasing tomorrow since no one got notified today

UC is being asked to increase seats for California students by 6,230 for fall 2022 but is negotiating that number with Newsom’s office. The system has agreed to add about 2,000 more students each year from 2023-24 through 2026-27, with 15% of the growth at UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, the most applied-to campuses in the system. Those three will also reduce their out-of-state and international student amount by 900 each year and replace them with Californians over the next five years


They might accept more in state students


Hoping they do :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Does this apply to the current waitlist student scenario? Will they be accepting more waitlist students then?

So is this what we are waiting for?? Where did you get that article?

The less OOS and INTL you have, the more global reputation will diminish long term. It’s a necessary “evil”. No doubt in-state residents need more spots there but going all domestic can be detrimental.

(Michigan is 45% OOS for example).


Yeah I don’t completely understand how this relates to the current waitlisted students scenario? Could someone explain the context around?

I found the article the quote came from. Not sure how it impacts waitlist students this year, but anything’s possible. :pray:t3:


I think they already did back in March the initial admission decisions.

What makes you say that?

I’m an international student, I can say that they must have done that

Which day is it most likely they can release decisions this week based on previous yrs?

As an international student, I really don’t have much hope now. I think it’s time to move on

I can understand but if no more waitlist decisions are released then this year would be the lowest ever acceptances for waitlist which is hard to believe for a year of lower initial offers in the first place

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I think they gave out quite a lot of offers initially back in March. It was def larger than last years since they tried to remain the same acceptance rate while having much more applicants.