UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Yes it could be very much possible that they are still reviewing applications. As an example, someone got off the appeal on the UCSB thread today but other waitlisted people didn’t. This means they are releasing decisions as they are reviewing for appeals while waitlist may take a little longer

I just got their reply email they said they are still reviewing wl pool


Did they explicitly say that or anything else?

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why is Berkeley taking such an abnormal amount of time to release waitlist decisions?

Have any decisions been released yet?

Do you know how to read lol

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Some people on Reddit said they got off last Friday wasn’t sure if it was true or not.

i think it was for internationals…

are u referring to berkeley? and if so, does the review include international students?

I think so because I’m also international :)


people are saying because of decisions releasing in super small waves there aren’t glitches…

Did I shoot myself in the foot if I didn’t check the box for the FPF program (for waitlist)? I emailed Berkeley about it and they told me that it doesn’t impact my chances. Is this true?

No, it will definitely impact your chances and could even erase it

I wouldn´t worry about it too much!

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What makes you say that? Berkeley told me that they would still admit a person on the waitlist into the FPF program even if they didn’t check the box. I just wanted to confirm.

If they don’t come out by tomorrow, Friday, then it means they overenrolled this year and we should just move on with our lives. Best of luck to all of you!

If it doesn’t come out tomorrow then it doesn’t mean they overenrolled. We just keep waiting until things are concrete.


I like your optimism. I am trying to stay away from CC for 24 hours, but keep failing :slight_smile:


Of course! But don’t worry, you’ll be just fine!