UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I’m trying to be honest with you dude, nothing personal.

You can look up past threads and you’ll see that everyone who reported a waitlist update was only through fpf or changemakers ( before they closed it)

What is fpf/change maker? Does it apply to college of engineering? Does it apply to international students?

No .

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i think its only for college of letters and sceinces students… not to sure tho

Nevermind, I emailed Berkeley about it again and they said because it’s something “optional”, it can’t impact your chances of admission from the waitlist. They just admit you with what’s available, Invalidating your point.

Someone is reporting a glitch on discord

He opened the faq and saw admitted students faq

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Anyone else get this glitch?

Not yet

Anyone know what time the international wave released last week?

someone on discord called the admissions office and they said that a wave was sent last Friday and apparently hinted that there’s a wave for today. one person said they saw the faq glitch but I don’t think its reliable because someone got off the wl even though they didn’t have a glitch. guess we’ll wait and see what happens today.


So when is the wave gonna come for appeals?

dude nobody knows

Sorry to break it to you but the chances of getting in through the waitlist are slim to none and as an appeal are nearly impossible (9 out of 1100 people) so just wait it out and they will send them when they have reviewed all of them.

both were the same person. its weird cuz there was no news on ppl accepted last friday

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yeah i agree. generally i think the wl movement this year is too quiet its like less than 100 people got in

whatever the decision is im proud of u guys! don’t think anything negative!!

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It is taking so long for instate to come out. I don’t know if there will be many off of the waitlist this year.

the website crashed for a few minutes but no one has mentioned that they got off yet

I think we just keep an eye on it for today. I believe people anticipate that today is a possibility for it to come out.

No updates even today :frowning: