UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

because they never know if someone they admitted will get off the stanford waitlist…etc. So they need to extend it just in case. Of course it is torture for some parents.

The last week has also passed by and yet no updates. 3 students from school actually withdrew their sirs and enrolled in LA 2 days back. Maybe this could be a situation in your guys’ school idk but I think some spots atleast should be open at this point. Idk when they will give an update tho. This has been the most strange year of all. Good luck to you all!


By the way I just found out on their Instagram page that their office of admissions was closed today through Monday. So if any updates would come they can only come starting Tuesday…

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Yes exactly, I was about to say this.

I read half and got scared, I thought their waitlist is closed. My d22 heart is still on UCB.

Maybe they saved up a lot of wl lists just to wait until all the other uc’s were almost finished?

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What’s the point of it….lol



Idk what to make out of this post but looks like OP got into Cal off an appeal. I didn’t know that appeal results were out but I’m not sure if this is a transfer or freshman

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Just my curious question. Looks like UCSC and UCR knew the OP was not accepted in UCLA and Cal somehow because the OP didn’t apply to them initially. I thought UCs process admissions independently and admission officers don’t know other UCs decision each other. International student process is different from in-state student process?

I looked at the comment and the OP said freshmen

anything else about appeals apart from the one above?

How does someone prepare for an appeal ? In general, we don’t know what credentials that the admitted students have. So how can we appeal ? Also, why is that considered fair when someone not on the waitlist can appeal ?

I am sure the process is similar to the ELC eligible students that do not get accepted to their choice UC schools and are then referred to UC Merced. Although each campus is independent on reviewing student applicants and they do not talk to each other when comparing admission offers, after the SIR date the UC system will have the # of enrolled students and can determine which students were not accepted to any of the listed UC choice schools.


An Appeal is based on New and Compelling information not originally presented in the original application.

Ms Sun’s explains it well and there is a small window after a rejection in which you can file an appeal. Some UC’s will not allow appeals if you are denied from the waitlist, so you need to check each campuses requirements.

Generally, for your appeal to have merit, you must prove that you are a much stronger applicant than what was presented in your original UC Application. Again, when the UCs ask for “new and compelling information,” they are asking for information not previously available to the admissions office (not necessarily information that is recent; in fact, most UCs have stated that recent developments are generally not considered to be “new” information). Examples of new and compelling information may include extraordinary hardship or exceptional talent. You can discuss these things in your appeal as reasons for the UCs to reconsider you. Make sure you describe exactly how the exceptional talent qualifies you for UC admissions or how the hardship prevented you from performing to your full academic potential. The objective of your appeal should be why you are an excellent addition to the UCs and how you expect to excel in college (and what resources at the UCs you intend to utilize in order to succeed). Avoid badmouthing anyone or any institutions (high school, other colleges, etc.) and do NOT brag about the other colleges that have made admission offers to you (UCs generally encourage students to take the offers they already received and skip the appeal). Be concise and don’t exaggerate or try to be dramatic. Follow through with a backup plan in case the decision is not reversed.

This content is copyrighted and retrieved from UC Freshman Appeal Guide | Ask Ms. Sun

Thank you. It makes sense.

I think the best thing to do is to wait for the upcoming week as in the first couple days of June they usually provide an update to the status. They can either admit or reject you in the very beginning of June but they can also send an email about an update to their waitlist/appeal status usually by extending their timeline of sending decisions.

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I heard UCLA result (UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion - #594 by losangeles445) came today morning. Did anybody get Berkley result too?

nope. In-state. still waiting…

What a crazy year for waitlists!


Well it’s past 3:30 so it doesn’t seem that decisions will be coming out today…