UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

We uploaded the unofficial transcript (until fall semester) and filled spring semester grades in the waitlist form. And LOCI essay with new awards and updates.

Is that ok? or do we need to mention the grades in LOCI/essay?

thanks in advance

@purplestone: Not sure what they mean by AP course codes.

@blessed101: Everything you have done looks good.

Thanks @Gumbymom !! Another final waiting game begins.

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I got waitlisted to UC Berkeley this year and had a few questions I was hoping to get some answer to:

  • Is the waitlist acceptance rate going up at all this year or will it stay at the low 5% like for 2021?

  • when do waitlist decisions tend to come out?

  • What can I write about to make my waitlist essay stronger?

Thank you!

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Can anyone who has already committed to UCBerkeley tell us how many FPF spots are left? I saw this on the 2025 waitlist thread and people can see it by logging into CalCentral. Thanks in advance!

No one knows what the waitlist admit rate will be but hopefully higher than last year.

Usually the waitlist students will not hear until after the May 1 SIR date.

In your essay, write about how you will be an asset to UCB and if possible specify programs, professors, activities. Show them that are your top choice university

@Gumbymom is there any virtual event or presentation for waitlist kids?

I do not know of any events specifically for waitlisted students. If you would like to visit in case your waitlisted student gets pulled from the waitlist, you should sign for a campus tour or just visit on your own.


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thanks as always

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My D got Waitlisted in UCB. While submitting her LOCI with essay, she had an option to select FPF. I want to know what FPF is. Is it going to impact the overall graduation? I read that student accepted in FPF will be studying separately from the core group for 1st semester. Will this delay their graduation? Does selecting FPF increases the chance of getting admitted from waitlist?

I got waitlisted for the College of Engineering (EECS). Are there any pathways that I can take (changemaker, etc) or is it basically just do or die for me?

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Son also got waitlisted for EECS but no option to choose pathways. I am not sure if others are getting specific options to choose pathways, or you just need to mention in LOCI.

Changemaker or FPF are only for the College of Letters and Sciences majors. For EECS, if pulled from the waitlist, you will start in the Fall like regular admits.

Thanks for confirming.

How does this apply to Hass Business school. My daughter got waitlisted for business program. She had an option for FPF. What is FPF?

Haas Business school is not a direct admit. You have to take pre-req courses and then apply at the end of Sophomore year. FPF is for majors in the College of L&S

FPF: Fall Program for Freshmen is an excellent way to transition to main campus. With the small high-school like structure of the classrooms the first semester away from home does not need to feel too daunting.

Most FPF core classes are held in the Golden Bear Center (GBC) at 1995 University Ave (Offsite link), three blocks west of Berkeley’s main campus. Neighboring programs in and around GBC include: Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, East Asian Studies, Berkeley International Office (BIO), and the School of Public Health.

Classes are limited to General Education requirements. Here is a link/video about the program: https://fpf.berkeley.edu/

would u be able to help me craft my appeal?

You can PM me your appeal essay and I can give you some feedback.

thank you so much

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Hello! I was waitlisted trying to major in Biology as a B.A. In writing the supplement, I split it up into four paragraphs: an opener outlining much of the essay, the second talking about my time at a physical therapy clinic (more just for showing my values), the third about continuing presidency in the environmental club I founded, (show my continued interest in environmental affairs) and the fourth outlining my goals at Berkeley concerning conservation and environmentalism. My question is whether I should expand the last segment instead of focusing on my core tenets