UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Well they can’t leave us hanging forever. They need to at least tell us that they’re extending the waitlist notification period or something. Tomorrow is officially the last day we can get notified (if they don’t push it) because they said from May 1st to June 1st.

when did they say this? if its in an email can you write the email subject

My understanding is that they can leave us hanging for the entire summer. I don’t wish the admission officers karma. I don’t wish their children to go through the same waitlist process and they as parents, can do nothing but to wait in darkness. I wish their children can get to the colleges of their choices by April and be happy. God bless.


LOLLLLLLL same though

they do this to us and then years later their kids come home and say “mommy/daddy, I got waitlisted to berkeley”, and then they realize they will suffer through the same process like we are rn. it’s like our pain transferring to them is karma of what they’re doing to us.


I mean if I was on the admissions team my kid would probably somehow get admitted anyway cuz I literally control the results and I’m sure thats what happens with most peoples children lol.

But yeah it does suck to be left like this


Have any waitlists come out? Can’t seem to get a single answer anywhere.

No decisions came out. I sent Berkeley an email asking if they are gonna extend the waitlist, should get back to me tomorrow. I also plan on calling Berkeley tomorrow as well.

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lol at this point im almost convinced they forgot about the waitlist like actually forgot. bc even when covid was at its peak they had already notified most wl by june 1st so what’s their excuse now

Hey did you call them today? If they picked up, what was their response? I tried but their lines were too busy. I feel like we should at least get an update on the waitlist situation even if its a small note like UCLA sent out to their waitlist applicants that not all waitlist decisions have been made yet. It’s already past June 1st and if we don’t get any sort of update by today then this year would be by far the weirdest year for all waitlist/appeals.

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Well I tried to call them but couldn’t get a hold of them. But they responded to my email and said that the waitlist notification period has been extended up to late July with students receiving either a rejection or acceptance.


Are you guys updating your grades from this past spring semester? Just curious, as I have done really well since I’ve been waitlisted.

I see. I think they should have at least given a general announcement to everyone that they are extending the waitlist notification period because unless you would have called we wouldn’t have known

Can we submit our second semester grades?

As far as the UCB Waitlist FAQ, only submission of the waitlist essay and 7th semester grades are considered. You are welcome to email admissions if they will consider any additional documentation but the UC’s expect you to maintain good grades throughout Senior year.

Our office will make decisions based on the original application and the information in the wait list opt-in form, only

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what are some theories we can think of as to why they are taking so long to release decision? I

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Most probably they overenrolled

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Then why not start sending some rejection emails!:thinking:

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They over enrolled in 2020 and they didn’t close the waitlist until the end of june

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ok, they over enrolled in 2020 but did anyone get off the waitlist in 2020 ? Or you mean they just kept everyone waiting until end of June, and then sent out rejections to all end of June ?