UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Literally, what is the purpose of such practice? They are aware that the class is full, and they wait until august just to send rejections?


As someone mentioned above in this thread, they are having the waitlist or appeal list open because this is their safety net. In case during the summer there is a cluster or students who wish to go somewhere else then they can easily use the waitlist/appeal to fill their class.

Hi Hope9, you submitted an appeal ? I thought you cannot appeal while you are on the waitlist. Maybe I heard wrong. Come to think of it, if they send rejection in August, nobody will bother to appeal anymore.

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i got rejected and submitted an appeal, sorry I forgot to clarify

Any update as of yet?

Nothing on my side but I plan on calling tomorrow. I will notify everyone here about what happens if they pick up


Do you have a link to a post to confirm this?

i mean this in the best way possible and I donā€™t want to sound harsh, but I recommend you guys move on with ur other college plans. it definitely looks like theyā€™re overenrolled, and looking at past trends, most people who havenā€™t heard back by this date, have been rejected. i moved on and stopped checking every day, and trust me it feels so much better. at this point, if itā€™s taking them this long to decide whether weā€™re in or not, id be better off. if it was meant to be it wouldnā€™t have been this consuming.


I agree with your sentiment. Iā€™m on the transfer waitlist, we were told we would hear back about the waitlist between 6/2-7/15. I still have my fingers crossed for good news but in the meantime Iā€™m gonna focus on getting hyped about the school I already committed to - looking for housing and checking out classes is helping me forgo any anxieties about Berkeley.


I agree too. Especially if we have committed to other good university, we should feel blessed with what we got. Donā€™t take things for granted after this brutal 6 month journey.


Which school you committed to? if you donā€™t mind me asking.

Weā€™re you able to speak to them?

at this point we should just assume they will not be pulling anyone off the waitlist


I got waitlisted in may and had to submit LOCI by May 15th. When I went back into the waitlist section a week or two later to double check my essay, the date moved from LOCI being due May15th to May 20th. I was waitlisted at UCSB and was accepted off of the waitlist last week or so. I was about to commit to Davis because I was waitlisted everywhere else (except UCSC they accepted me) and then out of no where UCSB accepted me off of the waitlist. Just before this happened, I was convinced that it was going to be Davis.

Yes you can ā€œmove onā€ but you are on a waitlist for a reason. You werenā€™t rejected, they found your application promising enough. I got waitlisted with a WAY less GPA than UCB or UCSB requires. You seriously never know what the hell to expect. Iā€™m optimistic.


Actually I was added to waitlist on April 22nd, and had until May 15th to submit LOCI.

If you were accepted to other schools, you can accept whichever school youā€™d like while you wait for UCB. You could always withdraw your acceptance once Berkeley accepts you.

Are you undergraduate freshman? How were
you waitlisted on April 22nd? The deadline for waitlist opt in submission was April 15 th for all!

But UCSB and Davs have been historically very good to accept students off the waitlist. Not so for Berkeley and UCLA for obvious reason. I am hoping for the best, but already prepared for the worst. I am still checking the portal daily.

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I guess thatā€™s for freshman. Iā€™m a transfer student. Berkeley waitlisted me April 22nd and I had until May 15th to submit LOCI.

What I find interesting is that my screenshot even said the deadline was May 15th, yet when I recently checked the date was pushed until the 20th. I remember being nervous that I submitted it 2 hours before 11:59pm on May 15thā€¦ come to find out it was extended lol.

UCSB accepted me earlier than theyā€™ve communicated they would inform WL applicantsā€¦ I just feel like weā€™re never going to really know until it happens.

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I was accepted to Davis, but waitlisted to UCSB, somehow offered admission before the release timeframe. Iā€™m just as confused as any of you haha well good luck to us all!