UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

So I just called them regarding the status of waitlists and where they currently at their review stage of freshman applications. Their response was that waitlist and appeals are currently being reviewed on a case by case basis. They also said that they plan to release waitlist/appeals by June 15th.


Curious. Our portal doesnā€™t show our appeal but we got a confirmation that it was delivered back in April. Is anyone elseā€™s appeal not easily shown in their portal?

I also donā€™t see my appeal in the portal, but I have the email confirming that it was submitted

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Okay that makes me feel better. Thanks for responding.

hmm considering that the one guy got his appeal accepted, is there any shot they will accept any more ppl or do u think they are already done w/ acceptances :frowning:

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A transfer student just got off the waitlist today!


In engineering or letters and sciences?

Engineering (Mechanical)

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Thanks instate, oos or international?

And it will be for 2nd year right?

Will be looking forward for my rejection on 6/15 then. Finally the day I can get over the wairtlist


Where did you see that someone had an appeal accepted?

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apparently an OOS student got of WL


When did this OOS applicant get in on? Was it yesterday, Friday?

Ahhhh okay and thanks for letting us know. I just got accepted to UC San Diego off of their waitlist.

My anxiety is causing me to use the bathroom every half hour lmao :rofl: WHERE ARE YOU BERKELEY :sob::melting_face:


Congrats on UCSD. When did you get accepted, and what major please?

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I guess you might be right that it is rather just a summer meltdown. But I think this upcoming week might be a wave of either rejects, admits or even a waitlist update on the timeline to release decisions because in a call last week they said they are hoping to get everything out for freshman by June 15th


Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Keep in mind that I am in-state, and a transfer applicant.

I received an email from UC San Diego on Friday, June 10th at 7:22pm to be specific.

My email from UC Santa Barbara informed me of my acceptance off of waitlist on May 27th, at 5:10pm.

Both dates are on a Friday, in the evening. Idk if that helps in any way :confused:

Good luck to us all and I really hope we all receive acceptance to UCB. I am insanely proud of all of youā€” at the very least weā€™ve been waitlisted to one of the best schools on the planetā€” so many highly highly highly intelligent people that I know have been rejected to UCB. Great job everyone!


Hi Palip27, cjpofd asked for what major. I think many of us are curious to know too. Congrats again on UCSD.