UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

But do you think they’d still consider the application? Since I did receive a confirmation email on the 15th. I’m just a little nervous about it now.

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You are fine in regards to being on the waitlist however no one should be getting their hopes up at this point. Love the school the loves you back.


Yes, you are fine because Cal extended the deadline for the waitlist op-in, anyway!

this is why Berkeley is #2 public school

Don’t get excited. That funding is to fund CA students the UCs already agreed to admit with the promise of funding. UCs already have a ton of “over budget” CA students the state doesn’t pay for.

I agree with the wise advice offered - it’s time to love the school you’ve committed to.

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It’s July 27th. Last year the waitlist closed around the end if June- do you guys thibk that will happen again?

Hey guys, just called the office and they specifically told me that they’re expecting little to no movement and that they’re pretty set.


According to Octopus_prime’s update, the latest would be by the end of July or earlier. I honestly feel “Whatever”. It has been extended so many times that I lost count. Obviously I will keep checking the portal just like everyone here. But at this point, the class registration for Fall 2022 is already full at the committed school. I believe same is true for UC Berkeley or UCLA class registration. So is the school that loves us back really that bad ? we are still holding on to hope to join the “dream” school so that we may not even get the classes we want. (unless someone here tells me Berkeley will open up more classes just for the waitlisted students)

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Did they say anything about officially closing the waitlist or emailing everyone an updated status?

should’ve just ended this from the start and given us an update earlier. there really is no point in waiting this long to give us a rejection especially when they already knew that they would not admit students from waitlist


What exactly did you tell/ask them? Because when I called them, they refused to provide any details about the class filling up, or wait-list movement. All they told me was that we’d know by August at the latest, and that it was policy not to discuss anything else.


D just got off waitlist at UCI, last one that hasn’t responded is UCB.


I was calling about something else (techical issues). In the end of the phone call, I asked them “Do you know when the waitlist is closing?” The AO said “We’re constantly monitoring it, but there is not much to be expected.” I asked them “So there is little to no movement in the future?” And the AO said “Yes, it’s pretty much fixed.”

If there is a Berkeley AO watching this thread and anything is wrong, please use your secret account and rebut. I asked the questions really briefly and that is what I heard, bu there might be more to the situation.

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Just wondering if the same would apply for students that appealed because appeals work on the basis that there maybe something wrong in the app review process? So they must basically read the app again considering all the criteria in a holistic review process irrespective of space.

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June officially ended with no update…

And the conversation in this thread has also kind of dried up…

I guess the writing is pretty much on the wall :frowning:

Don’t understand why UCB won’t simply close the waitlist and let us all out of our misery…


Agree. I told my son to move on.


anyone hear back yet? or call them?

At this point I feel like the waitlist will stay open for most of summer :((

just got rejection message from appeal. email states there is no more space in the freshman class