UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I’d be willing to send anyone a copy of my document if they are willing to help me out!

You can PM me if you want.

I mentioned this above a few weeks ago, but MAYBE try to add something really different to the essay. My son’s essay had an update to his story that was somewhat significant. Add something new that you did between November and now. Something different that well help Cal look at you in a new light compared to your original application “I am self-learning how to speak Vietnamese because I am now thinking of studying abroad in Asia” or “I am starting to play the drums because I want to join the Cal Marching Band”
Add it even if it is something you are just starting to do.
I don’t know how much they consider the essay, but if you can offer something significant to the school, it could help your chances.


@Gumbymom Can I send my UC Berkeley waitlist essay to you for review? If you wouldn’t mind that of course. If yes, could you provide me a place to send it to you. Thank you!

Does it matter when we opt in to the waitlist? Or no so long as it’s before April 15?

Just opt into the waitlist by the deadline. It is not first in, first off.

Would it be beneficial to provide a list of the other schools I got in/waitlisted at in my Berkeley LOIC?

Accepted Cal Poly SLO - Computer Engineering
Accepted UCSB - Applied Math
Accepted Boston College - Engineering
Accepted Boston University - Engineering
Waitlisted UCSD - Computer Engineering
Waitlisted NYU - Engineering

You are trying to convince UCB why you would would be an asset if they are admit you. Mentioning other schools would serve no purpose since they do not care about your other offers.


If anything, this might be a net negative since they MAY construe it as non-responsive and indicative of a lack of judgment. I get where you are coming from, but I only see downsides all around.

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Hi! I am currently waitlisted at both UCLA and UC Berkeley and I would accept admission to either school as soon as I was notified. I was advised to specify in each waitlist statement that each college is my top choice, but is this a bad idea? Could they possibly compare notes and not admit me for saying they’re both my top pick? Thank you!!

The UC’s are separate entities and they do not compare notes. Chances that you are admitted from both waitlists are low in probability but I would refrain from stating both schools are your top choice. I would just mention that if admitted from the waitlist that you would definitely attend.

When I appeal and provide new info, do I have to specifically mention “this was not initially mentioned on my UC app.” or will the readers re-read my original application and just know?

My S22 just completed his waitlist essay and fall semester transcript but he opted to not click to be considered for FPF because he didn’t feel like he had enough information on this. Does anyone know if being considered for FPF increases your chances of acceptance off the waitlist? Did he just reduce his chances by not considering that program? There just isn’t enough info on-line other than to say that it’s a smaller class community, taught in a building a few blocks off of campus and that students live in the regular residence halls and the attend regular classes in the spring. What is the purpose of this program?

FPF is similar to a Spring admit at other colleges but the students start in the Fall instead.
Students admitted into the Fall Program For Freshmen (FPF) are Berkeley students.The only difference is taking your first Fall semester courses in a small, collaborative learning community for first-year students in their first semester. FPF offers smaller classes and much greater connections with your instructors, classmates, and FPF adviser. It’s like a small liberal arts college with the resources and opportunities of a large research university. There are limited courses and are geared toward GE requirements.

Based on past history, the majority of waitlist admits from the College of L&S will be in the FPF program. Not selecting this option could impact a student’s chances of getting off the waitlist but it is not always the case. It really depends upon where UCB has spots open for the waitlisted admits.

If filing an appeal, your original UC application will be reviewed again. If you feel you need to go into more detail about something submitted on the original application or left something off, that is fine but for your appeal to have merit you do need to present new information showing you are stronger student and why you would be an asset to UCB.

its okay to say that youd definitely attend to more than 1 school?

You should only have one top choice so saying you will definitely attend and then withdraw if you get off the waitlist from another school might not look too good. You have to draw the line somewhere and make a decision. Do not state something if you really do not mean to follow through. Also UCB does not consider an applicants level of interest in their admission review. The waitlist could be different but just by opting into the waitlist shows you are interested in attending.

Can I still edit my waitlist optin? Missed to upload the transcript and wanted to do it.

You can try since the deadline is not until April 15th.

I just reviewed my UC App, and I’m now worried bc for the “State of legal Residence” it shows “none reported” because I was told by my counselor to ignore this part. Will I be consider OOS?