UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

It seems like they admitted lots of trasnfer student this year and a lot of people got into with gpa lower than previous year standards (at least that’s what I saw).

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UCB did not post the # of deferrals but yes the deferrals along with many Gap year applicants led to over enrollment at several campuses last year. Several UC’s have stated they were cautious this year and admitted fewer applicants. Only time will tell how extensively the waitlists will be utilized this year.

Transfer admissions has no effect on the Freshman waitlist.

Is it true that L&S cs has a lower acceptance rate despite the admission claimed to not consider majors for L&S admission?

What makes you think that this is true since getting into CS has a secondary admission process and not all students are able to declare?

If UCB changes their CS admission policy next year, where if you do not select CS as your major on the application and you will not be able to pursue CS, then I would say it could be true.

Here is some admission data based on the weighted UC GPA which I think helps explain how UCB admits:

3.800-4.000 6.3% 2.7% 4.5% 11.5% 8.7%
4.001-4.199 10.6% 3.9% 8.2% 23.7% 14.7%
4.200-4.399 21.8% 8.8% 17.5% 38.9% 29.1%
4.400-4.599 34.8% 16.4% 33.3% 53.0% 39.5%
4.600-4.799 40.9% 21.4% 39.6% 52.4% 49.4%
4.800-5.000 41.5% 20.7% 36.2% 46.1% 43.0%

How much probability they will carefully read through my additional personal essay that I updated? :frowning: Some people think that UCB will not read it, but I tried my best to write this part.

Why would UCB require a waitlist essay if they had no plans to read it?

lol, such is the case.

And I still wonder whether some studies majors (Like Asian studies or gender studies) in L&S will have a higher rate of admitting than other majors? :(( Thanks for your reply!! U r very kind :))

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Hi! I’m wondering if you have similar data for other UCs? UCLA? What year is this?

College of L&S does not admit by major. All students come in as Undeclared and then have to meet GPA and courses requirements before declaring so students are not locked into their applied major.

I cannot find anything similar regarding GPA admit data by College for UCLA. All I can find is this link: Admissions | UCLA Academic Planning and Budget


Do people get taken off the waitlist for spring admission

In the past, the majority of waitlisted Freshman students were admitted into the FPF program which is a glorified spring admission. Transfers I believe are often given Spring admission from the waitlist.

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How many people get admitted to coE yearly?
Like an approximation

For last year 2021:
Applied to COE: 59579
Admitted to COE: 5610
Around a 9% admit rate overall for COE

Omg looks like any engineering major is doomed

My friend got waitlisted for engineering and I really wish that he gets admitted

Maybe there’s a chance for him because he dose not require any aid

Is that data available for every college?

Yes, the data is available for every college broken out by Fully weighted GPA so you need to add up all the columns to get the total for each college. Here is the link and you can sort by College.


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