UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks for the tip, how early and where should one go for engineering tour signup?

Get there around 10.30 - Bechtel Engineering Terrace. Just follow the signs to the tour sign up tables. Some things may have changed this year so please double check with folks on the ground.

If you are EECS, don’t forget there is a 9 am class you can attend at Soda.

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If you are going to Cal Day, download the UC Berkeley/Cal Events app. It will have a Cal Day 2023 guide to download. It is loaded with tons of information, maps, etc to help you plan and organize your visit. I’m sure it’s not completely uploaded yet, but keep checking back for added information.

“Chancellor’s Morning Welcome - Memorial Stadium 8am-9am - Newly admitted students and their families are invited to an early morning welcome with UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ. You’ll also hear from a member of Berkeley’s renowned faculty, Cal Parents and our current student body president, and we’ll have special performances by the University of California Marching Band and the UC Berkeley Men’s Octet.”

This same app is used for Golden Bear Orientation (GBO) and Homecoming, with new guides available for each event.

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My son is still figuring out what he wants to study. He got into Cal for Civil engineering and UCLA for Physics. At CAL can you switch from Civil to Electrical engineering or another Engineering major?

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  • Specific minimum GPA and/or course requirements that vary by major. See your ESS Adviser to discuss eligibility.
  • Completion of a minimum of one semester at UC Berkeley (some majors require more than one semester completed)
  • Good academic standing
  • Satisfactory academic progress in your current major. Satisfactory academic progress is defined as successfully completing at least 2 technical courses that satisfy your current major requirements each semester. This is in addition to any requirements for your prospective major. Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress in their current major will be denied a change of major. Note that Incompletes could negatively impact your eligibility for a change of major.
  • A planned program that includes a realistic trajectory for completing all degree requirements within the time allotted by the college
  • Submission of a change of major application to your ESS Adviser before your 5th semester begins.

As @gumbymom posted above, the process is pretty straight forward. He can switch to any other engineering major he wants. For EECS, the process is FAR more onerous than the one outlined above but Cal COE gives a ton of flexibility when it comes to major change requests.

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I admitted to L&S undeclared. What are my chance of declare Economics later based on the new policy of high demand major? Thanks! https://admissions.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/First-Years-New-High-Demand-Majors-Policy.pdf

Since it is a new policy, there is no way to know since they will be using a holistic process probably similar to your initial admission decision. The process will use “quantitative and qualitative criteria such as academic and personal accomplishments by the student along with consideration of the context of those accomplishments and opportunities afforded to the student. ”.

At Freshman orientation, consult with your academic advisor to come up with a plan.


He couldnt attend CS 61A but was able to attend CS 170(In Soda Hall), a Topology class and a Poli Science one. He toured with his senior who is a CS Sophomore and is taking us tomorrow.

He had lot of good things to say about CS 170 and all the labs he was able to see.


This was discussed a bit up thread.

UC Berkeley students and parents also called on the Regents to improve campus safety during the public comment, noting recent instances of armed robbery, shootings and sexual harassment and assault. They urged the implementation of more security measures, such as adding security gates around dorms and reinstating night shuttles for students.

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Is anyone struggling to decide between Berkeley and UCLA? Our son was admitted to both for Humanities. My husband and I both went to Berkeley and love the school. But UCLA has surprised us with its amenities-- the 4 years of on campus housing being a big draw.
We would welcome thoughts on this dilemma in sorting the pros and cons.


My son is in the exact same spot for MechE. 4 year housing is a huge benefit, but you must live in housing continuously for 4 years. If your son chooses to life off campus one year, then he will lose the 4 year guarantee; this is according to my older son who is a Junior at UCLA. The issues I am emphasizing to my son are the following: 1) the academic opportunities at Berkeley are superior, 2) living in a new area (he lived in LA all his life), 3) internship opportunities, 4) reputation, and 5) I will never be dropping in at his dorm unannounced. Bottom line. The school where you son can thrive is the best fit.


For engineering I think it’s more of a clear cut choice in favor of Berkeley. For humanities I suppose it depends on what your student is trying to get out of from the college experience.

Thank you-- this is a huge help. We love UCLA and have been so impressed by the campus and programs…but Berkeley is Berkeley! And I know my son would be stretched more leaving LA and going to new terrain. I just feel crazy encouraging him to give up some of the UCLA campus perks. It is great to get this info on housing. I also know that by junior year, no one wants to be living in a dorm on campus. So, it is really only sophomore year with the gap at Berkeley.

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Worried mom here–how much does crime in and around UCBerkeley affect daily life? How much fun can college be if one constantly has to watch one’s back and limit activities from fear of assault? Academics will already be stressful–I’m worried that these other concerns will make the college experience miserable. Looking for reassurance that I’m just being silly!!


your being silly. Many schools are in high crime areas. Student just needs to be smart about their surroundings. Things are bad all over CA, and in many major cities across the U.S. Heck. People on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills are worried about street crime.


ditto everything you said! We will visit Cal day and and daughter will make final decision between UCSD and Cal but the area is not so appealing to me


Does anyone know about how much of the AP credits Berkeley takes? heard it all depends on the UC

AP credit also depends on the College and major. I cannot find a link for the College of Letters and Sciences specifically but this is the general info by college.

All I can find is this general information from the UC website. Berkeley | UC Admissions

Something to ask about at Cal Day.

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College of L&S: depends on the major. This page doesn’t give the AP credits, it just explains how the process works and that you have to check each major’s requirements: High School Exam Scores | L&S Advising

Rausser College of Natural Resources: AP Exam Equivalency Chart

College of Engineering: Exams - Berkeley Engineering

College of Chemistry: Exam Credit Info | College of Chemistry

College of Environmental Design: Advanced Placement Exam Credit