UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

So did the housing offer at the end of May include which housing unit, or do you only get that information in August?

Yes, like Unit 1,2, Foothill, Clark Kerr etc and the specific room type - shared double, shared triple, double in suite, etc with cost. What isn’t known until later is the more specific location within the housing location.

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OK, great - thank you so much for the helpful info!

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My son is still deciding what to select for his Housing. He’s in CoE but his classes are all over the campus. He’s a Vegetarian(if it matters), what would be better choices for him?

  1. Foothill
  2. Unit 1
  3. Unit 2
  4. Unit 3?

That was not a direct reply to @worriedmomucb but asking this forum for advice.

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Yeah, I’m the wrong person to ask lol. We didn’t expect to by applying for housing at all until a few weeks ago, so we are still catching up on everything. FWIW my D selected 1. Blackwell, 2. Unit 1 double, 3. Unit 1 suite, 4. Unit 3 5. Any housing available

I think Blackwell is hard to get into, but it looks wonderful. She said she would be very happy with Unit 1, though.

We shall see!

I would be cautious of picking Foothill. It’s expensive, quiet, but also far from everything.

I think it’s a really personal choice, there’s no one right answer. I’d recommend walking around at Foothill (and the other dorms)) on Cal Day and have a meal in the Foothill dining hall. Some kids really vibe with Foothill (mine does) and some students want a different dorm experience.
My son climbs 4 flights of stairs to his Foothill suite, there is no elevator access to the section he is in, and he has the quads-of-steel to prove it :wink:
Also note that within each of the dorms, there are multiple configurations you could request. Double in single gender suite, triple in single gender suite, double in mixed gender suite, (Foothill) standard triple in Units, and many others.

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More of a general question on housing, as my kid is still waiting on Cal Day to make a final decision before the May 1 deadline.

One parent I was talking with at last weekend’s Bruin Day festivities said that their oldest child (who ended up choosing Berkeley a couple years ago) was glad that he chose a Unit dorm triple because one of his roommates became a great friend whereas the other roommate was somewhat aloof and didn’t really socialize much.

The conversation got me thinking that selecting a Unit dorm triple – even though triples are absolutely cramped – might maximize one’s chances of landing a roommate to click with? Any parents have experience with a Unit dorm triple – either endorsements or horror stories? We’ll also check out the Cal Day Housing block party where supposedly you can see a “model room.”

Also, I was not aware of suites in the Unit dorms. Are those new, as i thought all the Berkeley Unit 1, 2, and 3 high-rise dorms were just doubles & triples only? Thanks to the more experienced “Bear-ents” on here!

Yes, the units have some mini-suites which I think are two double/triple rooms with a shared bathroom.

I think you raise a good point about triples vs. doubles and I had the same thought as my daughter filled out her application. She ended up in a double her first year and felt she missed out somewhat because her roommate went home EVERY weekend. I noted that her that gave her some private time, but she would have preferred having at least one roommate who stuck around.

With a triple, a student should probably plan to do serious studying elsewhere because it would be unlikely to have three random roommates who are all on the same page/schedule. I think all of the dorms have study rooms which is where my daughter often ended up even with the room to herself. Another potential drawback of a triple is that a student could find themselves the odd one out for whatever reason. Going random for roommates definitely provides an opportunity for growth whatever the situation, you just hope for nothing too disruptive!

That’s an interesting point. My son doesn’t have experience in the Units, but he is in a nine person Suite in Foothill. Indeed, the boys he is rooming with next year are suite mates, not his actual roommate. So having a broader social group was beneficial to him.
Mini suite and suite locations are listing in the housing rates page.

One more question on Housing: is there a place to indicate any health issues if selecting a Triple(my Son would have trouble with Bunk bed) or a student is allotted to a room and whoever moves first can get his choice?

Also, staying in an Unit means they need to participate in themes? I was looking at Unit 3 and they have UNITY Theme Program. I hope it’s not mandatory participation.

This exact situation happened with my son. One of his roommates (in a triple) indicated he had severe back issues and asked AFTER the room assignment if he can take the lower bunk. My son and his other roommate both acquiesed to that request. I don’t know if there is a prospective way to indicate that preference but worth asking.

Definitely ask someone in housing before you making housing selections. I’d be leery of choosing Unit 1-3 triples if bunk beds are an issue.

My son is leaning toward foothill because it’s near the physics department and he prefers a quieter environment. Is there something else we should know? He won’t submit his housing application until after he gets the lay of the land on Cal day.

My son also likes Foothill because it is quieter. He’s able to study in his room whenever he wants. He and his suite mates are not partiers, but they still have fun. I won’t dispute that it’s expensive! We are able to afford it for one year only.
As an example, last night he had a club meeting in Hearst Mining, about a 4 minute walk. Two days a week he has 8 am discussion in Dwinelle (about 12 minute walk - yay for Berkeley time!). I think the reality is that Berkeley students do a lot of walking (or scootering or biking) regardless of where they live.

I think they expect to walk a bit. My son is hoping to room with other introverted stem kids, so choosing Foothill is part of that strategy, lol.

I am sure he will put his request somewhere on the housing application. His #1 choice is Foothill but as you know nothing is guaranteed at Cal.

I am also dreading CS intro classes as there seems to be huge appetite for these (61A, 61B and anyone can register) and spots seems to be limited in numbers.

We will miss Cal Day as he’s going away on a music program with his HS.

Looks like there will eventually be room for 2,000 to enroll in cs61a this fall, with a huge number of breakout discussion sections and labs. 2023 Fall COMPSCI 61A 001 LEC 001 | Course Catalog I think these, along with other intro level classes of broad interest like data 8, work out for most who want to take them.

Looks like a group of parents launched a non-profit called Safe Bears.

SafeBears is an all-volunteer group run by Cal parents in partnership with representatives from UC Berkeley, city government and local merchants who want to “make safety a greater priority at the school,” said Sagar Jethani, SafeBears president, this week.

The group’s priorities include more UCPD officers, more night shuttles and better dormitory security, including gated access and security staffing in every dorm.

Yes, they also have a Facebook group, if you’re on FB.

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