UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes, I looked it up, and I was indeed mistaken. Correction posted above :slight_smile:


DVC is 123(Critical Thinking: Writing about Literature) & 126(Critical Thinking: Writing about Non-Fiction) English courses.


Interesting that it’s quite different - I wouldn’t have guessed that! Here’s from the articulation agreement with DVC:

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I do all the research for my son as he’s busy with his Finals and AP exams for next 10 days. I may even need to fill up his Housing app which is due by May 2nd.

I can even suggest course schedules and best teachers to take (Reddit Knowledge) :slight_smile:

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Your son is very fortunate to have your assistance with all this!

Here’s a fun look at one of the local eateries— a beloved pizza and bakery Co-Op that has sometimes topped national “best pizza” lists — that is waiting to welcome your incoming students! This place is quintessential Berkeley!



I dropped a class from my course schedule and have informed it in the admission update form. Anything else I should be doing?



No, as long as you informed them of the schedule change, you are good.

In Unit 1 housing, is there an all girls floor? how do re reuqest?
it that the only unit that would have all girls floor?

Unit 4 / Stern Hall is 100% women (or women-identifying.)

The Cal Housing website does indicate that Unit 1 has some single-gender floors. The student would choose the option in your housing application. Foothill also offers single-gender suites as an option. The housing site shows additional single gender options. Important to understand that shared rooms are never mixed gender. Did your student decide to commit to Berkeley?

Any suggestions on meal plan? Also, flex dollars are not the same as cash (debit) on the Cal1 card, right? So flex dollars can only be used at dining locations, right?

The basic Blue plan is totally fine in my opinion. I believe they can be upgraded the first two weeks of school if a student wants to. Flex dollars can be used at the 4 convenience stores, campus restaurants like the Golden Bear Cafe and Brown’s, plus any of the dining halls for guests, or if a student goes over 12 meals in a week.
My son recently sent me a photo of a floor full of junk food that a bunch of roommates bought with $500 worth of end of the year flex dollars, so Blue plan is probably plenty for most :slight_smile:

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Exactly right!

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my daughter has committed to CAL! it was a hard decision between UCLA and Cal but heart was at Cal :blue_heart::yellow_heart: We are from SoCal so she wanted a different experience being completely away from home. we are excited to be part of the Bear family!


Anyone have feedback on the Berkeley Connect course for freshman/ undergrads?

Does anyone have general advice on the Freshman housing rank form? My son is pairing with a friend and they were eagerly ranking all doubles with the 5th spot left for "Any. " But, it seems most First years live in triples, so should they rank only triples and focus on trying to get their desired dorm? We are confused as to what is possible and how they are supposed to strategize. Any advice welcome!

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Well, I’m guessing like most freshmen housing applicants, they’ll select Blackwell as their No.1 choice. After that, they could use their No.2 slot for a double in, say, Unit 1, and then use their No.3 slot for a triple in Unit 1, depending on whether Unit 1’s location is most important to them and they’d prefer a triple in Unit 1 over a double in either Unit 2 or 3, etc.

On a totally unrelated note, anyone else still wondering when their kid is going to make a final decision on UC Berkeley vs. UCLA?! Berkeley decisions came out more than 4 weeks ago and UCLA decisions came out 6 weeks ago. I’m biting my tongue, but decide already!!

I took Chem 1A, in 1991. Now I see that there is Chem 1A, and Chem 1A L(ab). Two different classes to enroll in. Is the normal practice to concurrently enroll Chem 1A and Chem 1A L?

I can’t decide between the two, plus I have one private school still in the running, although I’m leaning toward a UC due to cost. There are things I like better about UCLA and things I like better about Cal, so it’s super hard to decide. I’m going to make a final decision by the end of the day tomorrow!

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