UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes, my son is finishing those classes right now. From what I’ve read it’s not imperative to take them concurrently for kids who need them as a prerequisite. Some students must take Chem 1A to satisfy a L&S Breadth who don’t need the lab for a STEM major prerequisite.

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does the meal plan swipes only work at the 4 dining halls? what about the ones listed below?

Bear Market
The Den
Cub Market
The Golden Bear Café
The Eateries at Student Union
The Pro Shop at RSF

I think you can use the flex dollars for sure. My son frequently eats at GBC.

That’s correct. Both are requirements for my major and I’m taking only 1A this semester. I’m going to take 1AL in the summer (session C).


Bear Market
The Den
Cub Market
These all take flex dollars only as far as I know. They are little convenience stores where students can buy things like milk, cereal, soup, ice cream, bars, fruit, etc for their dorm rooms.
Brown’s (I’ve heard the fish is very good:)
The Golden Bear Cafe (I think it has a mini mart too that takes flex $)
both take meal swipes
The Eateries and Pro Shop my son has never been to, but I think they take meal swipes.
Your student will have fun exploring the possibilities! Golden Bear Orientation is very thorough and if it’s not explained, your daughter can ask.

Great thank you. Follow up: Do pre-health students take Chem 1B? I remember when I was a Freshmen, they had just adjusted the bio majors so that 1B wasnt a pre-req. But most med/dental schools require a year of chem. Somehow we were able to skirt around that, maybe because MCB 102 counted as 2nd semester of Chem? I can’t remember.

My boys use/used their swipes all the time at GBC. Big burritos, burgers, rice bowls, loaded fries. we were trying to get them to get meals at Brown’s but they rarely did. It’s tucked into the northwest corner of campus I think.

Mmmm…Sounds delicious. If only parents could get a meal plan!

As for pre-med pre-reqs, we’re supposed to take OChem (3A/3AL) and Bio Chem (3B/3BL).
The following page has more information on pre-reqs.

Medical School Prerequisites - Career Center (berkeley.edu)

I am a recently admitted freshman and I am in danger of receiving a D in my statistics class. However, my grades are not finalized and I may be able to bring it up. But it is not guaranteed. Should I let them know right now or later in June when my grades are finalized?

The UC’s usually give a standard answer in that cannot help until they see the final grade/transcript but you could inquire on what kind of options are available if you do not get a passing grade of C or higher. Better to be prepared for the worst but work hard to get that grade up and hope for the best.

would you recommend me to send in the form right now or after? I am not sure if I should accept my offer or not

Well a D grade could be an issue at any school you enroll in. Since you do not have a final grade yet, you could ask UCB to possibly extend your SIR deadline until you find out if you passed the class. It is worth checking since if you do not enroll now, you will not have a chance later. I will also add that you need to secure housing which is due May 2 so if you do not enroll today, you pass the class, you may not get any housing which can be an issue.

Once you have your final grade, then you can update UCB before sending the final transcript.

What would the student’s alternative be, in the case that they get a D and UCB doesn’t accept them with a D? Should they also contact a backup school to see if they can extend the SIR deadline as well?

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Yes, @tamagotchi does bring up a good point. If you have a backup college that will accept your possible D grade, you might also want to contact them to see if they will let extend the enrollment deadline.

I would still ask about the possible options you will have (if any) in case you do get the D grade.

I wouldn’t contact UCB unless you know for a fact that you got a D. Prematurely telling them you might get a D is not actionable on their end. You can certainly ask them for an extension but I would get that extension without bringing up the potential future D.

Regardless, talk to your HS teacher and counselor, and do everything possible to get to a C.


@socalmom007, any chance 007 in your name = Cardiff?

No, another stem mom?

Yes, son, social introvert in astrophysics

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For those in the area looking for a great event this weekend, the Bay Area Book Festival is taking place on Saturday and Sunday right by campus with a ton of free and interesting events. Come check it out :slight_smile:

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