UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter got the Fee waiver email also. We don’t get aid or anything. I was concerned that if it was wrong and we were suppose to pay they would cancel our housing, so we called housing today and they looked it up and said it was correct (she laughed at us because she could tell that we were surprised and thought it was a mistake). So I guess we will take it.

My daughter and her roommates actually wanted a triple in a suite at Clark Kerr, but got a triple large at CK. They are very happy with that as they wanted CK and the triple large has no bunk beds (all beds are singles on the floor) and a pretty spacious room. So all happy over here.

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D got RH Unit 1 Double, her roommate got the same, so we are hopeful that they will be together. Although her first choice was Clark Kerr, she is excited about Unit 1, which makes me happy!

Experienced Bear Parents: I always love real life candid feedback. That said, can you please share any tribal knowledge Re: Unit 1… any tidbits, suggestions, intel is greatly appreciated!

Go Bears!

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My son loved Unit 1. It offers gorgeous views of the bay if you are on the right floor and facing the right direction. Close enough to Crossroads cafe without being too close to people’s park unlike Unit 2. Pretty much an ideal location for socializing given the frat row on Piedmont is just a block away, so is gourmet ghetto and a bunch of other eateries.


My daughter got assigned Unit 2, which wasn’t even on her list and we are worried about being next to People’s Park. She is hesitant to accept. That is the one complex she didn’t want…for that very reason!

Same with my applicant. What happens if you dont accept? Do they re-assign?

If you don’t accept housing, you will not receive another assignment.

It is possible to accept housing and then request a different assignment. Anecdotally, some parents on the Facebook groups reported that this worked for their kids, but not everyone will receive a new assignment.


All of the units are within a few blocks of people’s park. I’m not sure if there is any appreciable difference in safety between the units, but maybe someone has statistics. All the residential blocks in that area feel pretty similar to me (as a Berkeley resident). My son was assigned to unit 2.

FWIW, my daughter was in Unit 2 this past year. We talked / saw her often, and I didn’t hear of any issues arising from proximity to People’s Park. I also drove past the park many times and never saw anything that made me concerned for her safety.


If you decline the housing offer, you will not be offered a different assignment. You could except the offer and then put in for a transfer on the Google form that was provided. Lastly, you could either accept or deny the offer and then look for off-campus housing.

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And my guess is by now there are instagram groups for Cal students who want to decline their housing offer and find roommates for off campus living. Might be worth a look if you really don’t like what you were offered.


It would be interesting to see how and when they operationalize this. I suspect it will be a couple of years before things reset to this new school mainly because this seems to be just a vote of approval to create the college. If anyone finds operational details please share.

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my daughter also got Unit 2 double. pro’s and cons of Unit 2?

I was on campus about two weeks ago and noticed a big hole in the ground that was fenced off and had … construction activity … just north of the College of Natural Resources. I at first thought it might be the new Engineering Student Center, but it seemed a little far away from the rest of the eng buildings. I looked it up when I got home and found out that there’s a pretty large building project in the works for what was previously the “Division” (now College) of Computing, Data Science, and Society. It looks like it’s going to be open in the 2025–26 school year: The Gateway.


The building design looks beautiful. Can’t wait to see how the campus will look once the new Engg center and Gateway both get done.

I pass by that site several times each day, and it’s finally earnestly under construction, seemingly even at night sometimes. Nice to know what it’s becoming. It used to be the site of Tolman Hall (Psychology and Education programs — Education moved down the hill towards Shattuck; not sure about Psychology).


Heard someone say stats major is no longer a high-demand next year for C/O 27. Is that true? I can’t find anything regarding it online. (WL Student)

The new high demand major policy went into effect for this in-coming Freshman class of 2027 so based on the UCB website for Freshman applicants this year, it is still considered a high demand major. Maybe for next year’s Freshman class they update the list.

question on Golden Bear advising calendar says May 30–June 20. when are the students given dates and times or do the students select?