UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

My son got in a Unit 1 Double and looks like got his $300 fee waiver also.


today at noon is the deadline to accept housing. Round 2 housing offers coming out this week. (hopefully my daughter gets one this time around!)


Hoping the same


I believe this refers to the timeframe that students have to complete the online orientation modules prior to scheduling a meeting with an advisor to discuss fall courses. The modules take quite a bit of time, last year my son actually took longer than the estimated time to complete it.

what online orientation modules?

Hi just wanted some advice from the community!

I am currently WL here w/ Data Science first choice, Undeclared second choice
If I get admitted off the WL here from another wave, I will likely only get off my Undeclared second choice.

In the case where I don’t get into Berkeley, should I just go to UC Davis for Data Science (which I have), and settle for a Davis Degree if I can’t transfer to Cal

Just go to community college and try transferring to Berkeley through Statistics (if Data Science is too competitive)

*Note: Statistics @ Berkeley is also currently noted as a high-impact major

ALSO is Berkeley Undeclared a good option if I get it? In the case of which I get undeclared, I’m thinking a major-switch into Statistics or another neighboring major could be good.

  1. if you are admitted off the waitlist as Undeclared, you can still try to change to the Data Science major as an enrolled student but no guarantees.

This review includes quantitative and qualitative criteria such as academic and personal accomplishments by the student along with consideration of the context of those accomplishments and opportunities afforded to the student. Admission to high-demand majors based on these criteria is overall a more fair and equitable process instead of the current criterion of the student’s major prerequisite GPA.

  1. If Data Science is the major you want to purse, then UC Davis is a great option. You need to remember that you are not settling with a degree from UCD. You can have similar post grad outcome with a DS degree from UCD as from UCB. School name can only get you so far and the rest will be up to you. UCD may be as you stated settling, but for many students it is their top choice school. You need to look at your situation with some perspective.

  2. I am not sure why you think that going the CC to UCB Stats route would be any less competitive than the CC to DS route or even being admitted into UC Davis as a Freshman?

Where you go for Undergrad will not define you. It is what you do any school that will make you successful so take advantage of all that UCD offers and move on.


If the student has a Berkeley email and CalNet ID set up, and is checking Cal Central regularly, there will be lots (LOTS!) of tasks to complete in there. It should be explained there. If GBA starts on May 30, it may not appear yet.

I think if you don’t get off WL for Cal DS, you should probably take the DS option at Davis. Davis is an awesome school and although you will have another shot at DS at Cal during your 2nd year, the competition will be intense and no one knows the specifics of how the discoverer path will work.

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I would 100% recommend you go to Davis! It’s an excellent program and you’re in to a very demanding major. I can’t see how community college makes sense. There’s no guarantee you’ll get into Berkeley in two years. You have a great admission already in hand, take it.


any new housing offers, for those who didn’t already receive one?

Thank you so much for all of your advice! I really appreciate it. One insight I did find though is that Stats may no longer be a “high-impact major”. This is according to the Berkeley high-impact majors page.

After talking to Berkeley Grads though, I’m now sort of leaning towards trying to enter Letters & Sciences through a transfer and then easily switching into Stats if this is indeed the case.

Would I be missing out on much if I spent my (1 or 2) years at Berkeley Feeder Community College? DeAnza & Diablo have very good numbers per year (177 - 260 students admitted / year)

Best thing that could happen though is if I get lucky from another Waitlist Wave :pray:t2:

I hope you get into Cal but I still don’t understand why you think the not guaranteed cc → Cal stats path is better than a guaranteed DS major at Davis.

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Another option within this scenario is doing CC for two years, TAG to UC Davis, and apply to UCB. That way Davis will still be there for sure in two years and the chance for Berkeley opens up.

However, I personally think a UC Davis in the hand in worth two UC Berkeleys waitlists. I would go to Davis - it’s an excellent school and I think the full 4 year experience there will be more satisfying and enriching than the CC route. But of course the CC route is viable - it will save a good deal of money, and even if Berkeley still isn’t in the cards, TAG will ensure your spot at Davis, so essentially don’t really lose much in terms of outcome, and open the possibility of a gain if Berkeley does end up working out.

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Nothing yet :grimacing:

^These are exactly my thoughts

  • I have TAG for Davis so that is always guaranteed

  • I feel I can get a bit high-risk/ high-reward if I go the CC route since I could get a Degree at the best Stats/DS/CS School in the Nation. They are also building the new school maybe just in time.

  • CCs like DeAnza have a lot of opportunities and it’s specifically a Berkeley-Feeder CC so I am ready to sacrifice maybe 1-2 years for more long-term success

  • At a CC, I’ll also have the chance to maintain grades more easily and just end up with a higher GPA by the time I complete my 4 years of Undergrad.

  • I’ll also have more time to pursue extracurriculars while I am taking courses at CC and find nearby research and internship opportunities to pursue at the same time

Unit 1 Triple. She’s OK with it. 3rd choice


Did that come today?

yes this afternoon. 5ish PDT

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My daughter received another email saying next round is May 30th. I hope she’s in that one lol. She did receive her summer housing assignment (Blackwell double) but nothing for fall yet.