UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

That is good to know! I panicked when I saw the “not officially registered” thing, but it sound like all is normal.

Yes, it’s normal. My second year has it too, just showed up today.
And I can see from last year that the GBO Housing charge wasn’t added until Aug. 11


Does anyone know if there are any CC forums related to tax questions and scholarships?

Look in the Financial Aid and Scholarship forum

My advisor sent me this yesterday as part of her post-registration FAQ email:

FAQ: I just enrolled in my first semester courses. However, I just got a notice on my profile that I’m not officially registered. I’m confused because I have no active holds on my account and my classes say that I’m enrolled. What does this mean?

This is a regular notice to receive at this time. To be officially registered at UC Berkeley you must meet three criteria: 1) Enrolled in at least one class 2) Not have holds against your registration 3) 20% of tuition and fees must be paid which is also the first installment of the Fee Payment Plan.

Most of us have not yet paid our bills and/or Financial Aid and scholarship(s) may not have been distributed to your account just yet, which is ok. You just need to make sure to pay by the required deadlines, you can learn more about Student Billing and Financial Aid at the linked websites.


anyone know why the ‘not yet due’ amount on calcentral keeps going up? it went from 7k to 18.8k to 19.4k today over the last 3 or 4 days

They’re adding the first semester fees. First it was just tuition, not housing has been added.

I get the 7k to 18.8k jump was including housing, so the 18.8k to 19.4k jump was them adding first semester fees?

update: figured it out, turns out it was a “new student programming fee charge”

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Possibly? I only saw one jump from $7,800 to $20,600, but it’s possible there was a step in between where fees were added.

Maybe today’s posted “New Student Programming Fee” ($475) is supposed to correspond to the “Housing and Meals Fee - Golden Bear Orientation” ($380) on the financial estimate page? I hope it isn’t a completely new surprise fee altogether.

Edit to add: It looks like it is a separate fee, looking at this page: https://registrar.berkeley.edu/tuition-fees-residency/tuition-fees/
So I expect we will also see a GBO Housing and Meals fee appear eventually?

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Last year GBO housing appeared on Aug. 11, the same day as the $55 equipment rental for our half of the MicroFridge.

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is there 2 seperate fees for GBO orientation? new student programming for $475 and GBO housing for $380? During orientation , are they not in their assigned dorms for the year?

Yes, it looks like there are two separate fees. Students will be housed in their own assigned dorms. The GBO housing fee seems to be appearing as “GBO Housing - Blackwell” regardless of the student’s dorm assignment; my guess is that this is because all students are being charged the same GBO housing rate, and this just happens to be how the line item is labeled.

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Folks, my DD tells me that she learned that most students carry an iPad to take handwritten notes at UCB. Looking for practical input on which model to invest in which can at least last them few years without spending a whole lot, unless needed. Especially if you have done this for your student. Thanks!

The GBO housing cost is a prorated fee since the students are technically moving in earlier than their housing contract dates.

S23 has been using the large iPad pro model throughout high school. He finds the larger screen to be really useful for reading PDFs and taking notes (he also uses it for music scores). He just bought a new iPad to use in college since the newer ones have brighter screens (easier to see in outdoors study locations), and D26 inherited his old one, it still works fine :slight_smile:

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Does anyone know for sure if the class of 2027 still needs a 3.3 gpa to declare cs?

For Fall 2023 admits, if you were admitted to L&S for a high demand major (such as CS), you are guaranteed a spot in that major if you complete the prerequisites and remain in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA, 2.0 GPA in the semester when you declare, and minimum C in all prerequisities for the major).

General information about HD Majors: L&S High-Demand Majors for First-Year Students | Letters & Science

More information about declaring the major when you have been admitted to a HD major: HD Majors: Reserved Seats | Letters & Science

If you are already admitted to LS CS, you just need to be in good standing (2.0 GPA).

If you are a freshman non-CS admit, you will apply via the holistic discoverer pathway. There is no explicit gpa threshold but with the small number of seats and the large number of potential discoverers, a high gpa always helps. Also in this pathway you may not need to take 61AB and 70 prior to applying but taking at least one of those courses may be needed to justify the “discoverer” claim.

The one exception where the 3.3 threshold is still applicable is if you are a fall transfer non CS admit to LS. You are still allowed to get 3.3 and declare CS assuming you completed all the 3 pre req courses by summer 2024.

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My Son got into unit 2 doubles as well!

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