UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does anyone know when Clark Kerr random roommate assignments come out? My bear is curious!

Some parents on the Facebook groups were saying that they expect building and roommate information to come out this week sometime. However, specific floor and room number assignments are not expected until closer to move in. (Although we are already pretty close to move in… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

My son found out his building number and roommate name and contact info on Aug. 5 of last year (a Friday). The exact floor and room number was not known until move in day check in.

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My son received his building and roommate assignments today. :bear: :bear: :bear: :house: :blue_heart:


Does anyone know how the buildings in the Foothill housing complex are numbered? Trying to determine exactly where son was placed. Thanks!

Nevermind, I found the info with a bit of digging!

If you need my info on Foothill interiors, let me know. My son was in Building 6.

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Thanks for the offer! Son has a double in Bldg 8. Hoping he gets the west-facing view for sunsets over the Bay, and not east-facing towards the parking lot. :slight_smile:

One more question… I saw on the Berkeley reddit that some students had a New Student Task in CalCentral to choose outings (company visits, cruises, etc) for GBO. However, such a task never appeared in my son’s dashboard. It wasn’t clear on Reddit whether this task was first years or just transfers.

Did any of your first year students have this task?

My daughter mentioned that this was a thing, although I don’t think she’s selected yet. She seemed to be aware of the options, but not sure where she got the info (she’s out right now or I would ask her).

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Is it possible that this is a Regents thing?

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I don’t think so? But again I don’t have all the details - I just know she was talking about this recently, and also her workplace is one of the options apparently so they were talking about the logistics of hosting Cal students as well.

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OK if you look at the sample schedule here, you will see “Day in the Bay Excursions” on Saturday August 19th. I assume that’s it?

Ah, and here’s the explanation (didn’t read the whole thing at first). And it doesn’t look like they get to choose:

Day in the Bay/Company Visits

Your Berkeley experience extends beyond the campus and we know many of you are eager to explore the Bay Area. Day in the Bay will take you to a venue in the Bay Area (past excursions have included SF MOMA, the Exploratorium, Oakland Museum, Oakland Ice Rink, 90s Museum, Bay Cruise). All transportation and tickets will be included.

Transfer and EAP students will have the option to select both from Bay Area excursions or local companies. Companies will host small groups of students and introduce them to work culture based on areas of interest (business, education, non-profit, transportation, etc).

First year students will visit Bay Area excursions based on their assigned group time/location.

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Thank you all! Yes, it does sound like first years don’t get to choose. I was worried son didn’t get the assigned task for some reason and everything would be filled up by the time we sorted it out. He’s lived his whole life in the Bay Area, so I doubt they’ll go anywhere he hasn’t been (although the cruise would be a cool thing), but it will be fun to go with new friends!

Thanks so much for your help. Can’t believe move-in is less than 2 weeks away! Just did what I hope is the last Target run…

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I would find it pretty funny if D ends up assigned to the place where she works - especially as she usually works Saturdays at the same time the excursions take place. There’s no escape lol

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Hello, in Cal central I noticed there is a partial amount due now (almost 50%) as opposed to the full amount due on 08/18. Are we supposed to pay that partial amount right away? The statement still shows 08/18 and does not breakdown any further. Appreciate any insights.

Personally, I’m not paying until financial aid has been added because until then I don’t even know how much I need to pay. (Yes, I realize they do refunds, but I still don’t see the point in randomly paying some amount which I may or may not even owe.)

I agree. We aren’t going to pay until gift aid/ financial aid disburses, which is predicted to be Aug. 14. Notably, my son’s estimated Gift Aid just increased (middle class scholarship and Berkeley Under grad scholarship). To see estimated financial aid, click on “View Awards” under “My Finances” in Cal Central. The total is for the year and will automatically be divided in half between fall and spring semester billing.

Pay attention to “pay by” dates. I’m not sure about Cal, but at Davis, the Middle Class Scholarship didn’t get applied until after school started.

Yes, for sure, nothing is guaranteed. Last school year MCS didn’t distribute until January! Cal has announced that financial aid will “start” distributing on Aug. 14. Time will tell how quickly it all happens.

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