UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I think it can vary a lot depending on what the leaders decide to do. My son kind of rolled his eyes last year that the leaders were only a year older than him, but in hindsight I think it was valuable for him. I know his group took the AC bus to Target and found out just recently they took BART to SF. I think they went to Bamfa and in general got some exposure to the surrounding area. I know a kid fell asleep at a bus stop and got left behind, and that was a whole adventure. For a student not familiar with the area and getting around on public transit it was helpful. Locals probably won’t find much new, but hopefully will be making some friends along the way.

Day in the Bay is a local excursion for students. They go with assigned groups and go to some place fun, like a museum or a baseball game or ice skating or something like that. It’s both to have fun with other new students, and also to get a bit more oriented in the Bay Area and see where things are, how to get around, etc.

i assume the students don’t pick, but their leaders do? also, is there another convocation tomorrow morning? didn’t they have one today?

Correct on both counts: the students don’t get to choose where they go, and the convocation was this morning. I don’t believe there is another one tomorrow.

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what day is the outing in the bay? seems the orientation ends very late everyday!

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I had thought that the day in the bay was on Saturday morning for everyone, but my D’s is scheduled for Sunday, so I guess it can be either day.

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Well, I’m being sent pictures of bounce houses now, so it seems that GBO is picking up a bit :smiley:

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i wish my daughter would send me pics! lucky you!! wait but bounce house??

You can even see the Campanile :slight_smile:

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does anyone know of a real estate agent in Berkeley? We are looking for a condo near the campus

Is this for buying or rental? planning for commute to Berkeley?

Are Saturday and Sunday GBO events mandatory? my DS is already bored and wants to come home :upside_down_face: do we need to take permission to skip the events?

According to my son, the only mandatory part of GBO is Bear Pact.

Plugging this event for anyone interested in data science! It’s a great opportunity to learn about the extracurriculars and professional opportunities you can take advantage of at Berkeley.

“Want to know how to make the most out of the Berkeley’s world-renowned data science program? :globe_with_meridians::sparkles: Discover it all at the Data Science Infosession on August 22nd from 2-3pm PST on Zoom (Meeting ID: 541 359 4647), hosted by UC Berkeley’s first data science club that helped shape the major, the Data Science Society at Berkeley. Join us to learn about the major, academic support, research, teaching roles, and career paths. :books::mag: Stick around at the end to chat with our club members and ask us any questions you may have!”

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My Son tasked me to find out about taking Cognitive Science as a minor but looks like it’s not available as a minor.

He should still be able to take the relevant classes although with Phase I restricted to declared CogSci majors enrollment might be hard for popular classes.

If you major in data science, you can make your domain emphasis cognitive science


Is todays GBO only the department introductions? That’s the only think i see on the schedule

Chatting with my Son who said its “College Day” where students go their individual colleges.