UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

does anyone know what Enrollment Add FeeCharge $ 5.00 is?

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Could be the late add fee?

“A late add fee of $5 per course is charged to students who add classes after the Friday of the third week of instruction.”

See https://registrar.berkeley.edu/tuition-fees-residency/tuition-fees/ under “Late/Enroll/Drop Fees”

that’s probably it! i think it was a decal class

We got a $10 late drop fee when my son dropped a class. He was able to add a class at the same time without a fee - at that time there was no late add fee yet.

do we need to waive the SHIP Waiver every semester or every school year?

Every school year.


I need to rant about a damage charged to my student account.

Someone stole a banner and did not return it. So, Cal fined/charged everyone in his unit/building $25 each for it. DS told me they collected like $3000 for a $200(maybe) banner. Is this allowed or even legal? I asked him to complain and he shrugged off saying they already did and nothing will happen.

This looks like a money grab to me. Are they allowed to do this?

They are allowed to charge everyone for damages where individual responsibility can not be determined (that is in the housing contract you signed). However, seems wrong to charge up to $3000 for something worth only a fraction of that.

They did a similar thing in my kid’s building, except in that case there was nothing to replace. Someone left a common area messy, and they charged a fine to the whole building. So I don’t think it is just about the cost of the actual banner. It includes a cost for the administrative hassle factor, and is also intended as a penalty to discourage students from stealing, destroying or misusing school property.

Edit to add: The fine in my son’s building was $25 per resident of the building. This was for students leaving a common area “in a state where it could not be used by other residents” (basically, messy). So I am guessing that it’s a standard fine for student misbehavior in a dorm when they can’t identify the culprit.

May be this is related.


The sign in the article is worth $25k!!! So may be $3k is not off base?

$25K?!?!?!? Holy cow!

“the sign is worth $25,125 and cost $3,150 to install.”

So $3,000 is just the installation fee!

If it is the same sign, however, this is weird:

“Though the sign was taken from a Unit 1 residence hall “sometime between November and December 2020,” a university housing staff member reported the theft Sept. 8, Sgt. Jacob Westlie, a spokesperson for the University of California Police Department, told SFGATE.”

And so, if it is the same, then current residents really shouldn’t be held accountable as they weren’t living there at the time.

But that price is just shocking. This is what all those mystery fees in Cal Central are going to.

I would guess that it is not the same sign, given the time frame. But I think @ucscuuw might have meant that such signs / banners can cost the university a lot, if you add up all the costs.

I am guessing that lots of dorm vandalism incidents happen every year and they probably have a very standard process for dealing with it.

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The other weird thing, though, is that although it was apparently stolen in 2020, it was apparently just reported stolen this September?

Well, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if theft of banners / signs is something that happens more often than once every 3 years. It seems like the sort of thing that a certain type of college kid would do (or dare another kid to do). Way back when I was in college, it seemed like kids were always stealing mascots / banners / flags belonging to other houses / frats / co-ops, sometimes doing ridiculous things to them as well. Of course kids these days might be more law abiding than back in the day, I don’t know…

I don’t remember much stealing…For a while, the main prank in my college dorm was pulling the fire alarm at night. That was annoying to say the least. Not really sure which is worse, though - fire alarms or theft.

I remember living in Unit 2 - we probably had 10 fire alarms in the middle of the night. What joys those were.
But back to the sign, I didn’t read the whole article, but if it was on the roof of the frat, shouldn’t this be investigated, and ultimately the frat should pay??

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Yes, one would think so… but the sign in the article is most likely not the banner @smbayguy is talking about.

From the Facebook parents group, I see a parent posting on Sept 28 about being charged $25 "for a banner that was stolen in Freeborn Hall. "

From the article about the stolen sign: “Before it was stolen, the sign was in front of Christian Hall and identified the building.”

Sounds like two different items to me.

Huh, so I guess this is a “thing” - sign stealing? How annoying to be a student who has to pay for these pranks.

Kid is sick(think fever) and masked promptly. Doesn’t want any food/medicines from home and may come on Saturday evening.

Looks like lot of his unit members are sick(changing weather)?

All kinds of things going around right now and viruses spread fast in the dorms. Hopefully, he’ll feel better soon.