UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yeah, I guess so. He’s taking two demanding classes in his major, plus a lab. He should take something outside of his major, but the only thing left would be upper division GEs. Hopefully he doesn’t have trouble getting in as a freshman.

My kid will be taking three technicals, all with labs. Seems like a lot to me, but what do I know… Good luck to your son in getting everything he wants!

That’s my concern. He’s in three technical classes now and one humanities class. I feel like it’s a bad idea to take all technical classes, but we’ll see.

Well, he can always take a breadth class even if he doesn’t NEED it for graduation or his major. If he has lots of APs / transfer credit, he doesn’t have to be perfectly efficient with his class choices.

My son is looking at possibly switching majors within COE, so he has to take 3 technicals each semester this year in order to fulfill requirements for his current major AND the prospective majors that he is considering. This semester it seems to be going fine. (And he also has clubs and a job…)

This is true, he could just take classes he’s interested in even if they don’t count.

Have you tried assist.org? That should give you a pretty good idea. I think you can even filter by breadth requirements (if I recall correctly).

His dual credit isn’t from a CCC. His private school has an arrangement with an out of state four year university. I’ve seen the transfer credit report for a friend’s daughter who’s a junior at Cal, so we know generally how they’ll count his credit, but it will be nice to have it confirmed. The only breath class we thought he might need was the international requirement, so he’s in global studies now.

Ah, gotcha. I can see why it’s so confusing then. And why you would want to view it before registering for spring. You could try filing a request to find through the portal. Otherwise, probably all you can do is proceed with registration and, if it turns out something is missing, pick it up next year.

Yeah, I may suggest my son reach out to them.

The credit from my son’s summer class he took at UCLA in July has not yet appeared in his portal.

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My Son’s AP credit got reflected quickly and he didn’t take any DE/Summer classes.

He will be taking 4 classes coming semester (3 Technical and one Upper Division Humanities course and hopes to get into all - CS61B, MATH 53, EE16A, still finalizing humanities course)

That’s quite a workload but certainly manageable. Is he taking 3 techs now?

Does anyone know the fees for online Summer School through Berkeley? my daughter wants to take a breadth requirement in the summer

I am not sure if this is what you mean, but this is how much Berkeley Summer Session cost last summer: 2023 Summer Fees | Berkeley Summer Sessions

Maybe some summer courses are taught online? My son took a summer session course in person, though.

For those planning their spring schedules, I just wanted to give you a heads up about a 1 credit class that looks super interesting. It’s called Brilliance of Berkeley. It is hosted by Carol Christ and each week features a lecture by one of Berkeley’s fantastic faculty members on a topic of their expertise. There is both an in person and online option.



When will move out date for Spring be? need dates for summer planning. TIA

Last year dorm move out deadline was Mother’s Day by 10am. - the Sunday after last Friday final and after Commencement Saturday. So that would be Sunday May 12, 2024 by 10 am. They send notification to avoid move out during commencement because parking is so crazy. We moved my son out on Saturday late evening and most students were already moved out.
I’d bet it will be the same, but you can call to confirm.

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He’s taking 2 Tech now(CS 61A & Math 1B). He wanted a light schedule for his first semester. He took a R1B(I think) and 2 De Cals - 15 units total.

When is the Spring tuition due? TIA

I haven’t seen it posted but someone mentioned sometime in November (3rd week or so).