UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I would not put a High Demand major as an alternate choice just for that reason. Also UCB states that they will only review the 1st choice major so High Demand majors need to be selected as a primary/first choice.


Too bad! He wanted to put IE as first, ORMS as 2nd choice… but maybe 2nd choice should be something like applied math with a concentration in OR.

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UCSD has similar major selection information regarding Capped majors. They recommend if applying to a Capped major to select a non-capped major as an alternate.


Any intel on whether the new application will reflect these changes? Or has it already?

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Yes, the UC application allows you to select a first choice and alternate major. It’s just a question of how these selections are used by each campus.

For example:

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Changes are already in place. Frankly Cal had no choice but to implement these changes and I am thrilled they didn’t just tinker with CS but also addressed all the high demand majors all at once.

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Non-high-demand L&S majors typically allow declaration after completing the prerequisite courses with grades of at least C. The high-demand L&S majors are generally the ones with higher grade or GPA requirements to declare the major (e.g. 3.0 for economics, 3.3 for L&S CS).


At least for L&S CS, it is possible to apply to declare the major. For ORMS, you have to get on a waitlist and be invited before you can even apply…

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Sorry i wasnt clear. I do understand the old major selection process. I’m just wondering if they will add language to UCB’s portion on the application that identifies the “highly impacted” majors.

The application does identify high demand majors:

Edit to add: The “Read more” link doesn’t actually tell you anything, It goes to the main Academic Programs & Majors page, which says: “Information on College of Letters & Science high-demand majors, coming soon. Check back for updates.”


For comparison, here’s what a non-high demand major looks like when you select it:


Great thanks!!

Thank you - that’s helpful!

If he really wants IE, you might want to think about putting IE as the primary major, and then another COE major as an alternate. Once he is in, he can switch to IE relatively easy.


Thanks! IE seems like the best fit for what he wants, but to be more certain, he is taking the freshman intro engineering class through concurrent enrollment, to learn more about different majors and career paths. (we are lucky to live nearby!)

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How disadvantaged are we if we select a high-demand major? I was going to apply for global studies but I don’t want to be disadvantaged because of it. I never thought global studies was a competitive major?

Here is what UCB states about High Demand Majors:

High demand or “impacted” majors have restrictions on declaration, usually due to demand exceeding the capacity of the major. These restrictions might be particular GPA requirements, require a minimum grade in a specific course, or have elements to the declaration packet beyond grades.

So based on this information, if you do not select a High Demand major as your first choice, there is a possibility that you may not be able to declare/pursue the major later after admission.

If Global Studies is what you want to study, then list it as your first choice.

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@Gumbymom Hi. General UC application questions, here. Been through this twice already, but just confirming, in case there have been any updates:
1)Does my daughter list PE grades in her academic history? The class names are available in the drop down menu for her high school (i.e. Fit for Life 2 is PE for Sophomores, and it is listed in the UC app drop down menu as a “G” course, but I am not sure why. It is 100% just a PE class)
2) She took Health this past summer at another high school in the same district. Again, “Health” is listed in that schools drop down list under “G” courses, but it was just a regular health class that the district requires.

Health and PE are not considered a-g courses so you are not suppose to list them on the application. Regarding the Fit for life 2 class, is it listed on the UCOP a-g course list for the high school? If so, list it.

yes thank you for the link. Both courses that I am talking about (Fit For life 2 and Health) show up as “g” courses. I don’t think either of my sons listed these courses on their apps.

She got A’s in both of these classe, but now I am thinking they will pull down her GPA when mixed in with her AP/Honors classes. I hadn;t factored them in before.
Darn this kind of sucks.