UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Here is the Info
In State , Asked for LOR from most of the student from her school
Got in as Regents Scholar for College of Letters & Science
Wt GPA : 4.75 , around 14-15 APs ( mostly 5’s & few 4), Dual enrollments & few community college courses
Strong ECs & Leaderships ( multiple)
National Merit Scholarship ( semi finalist) …waiting for finalist announcement
Excellent essays & LOR
Multiple awards at State & couple of high rankings at National level for one of her EC
Published research paper & presented the same at a conference


Is your school super local to Cal (out of curiosity as previously on this thread we identified BHS and AHS are two school affected by the LOR sweep this year - so wondering if there were most than those two schools.)

If the 125k # is accurate, then this represents a drop from last year when they had 128k applicants.

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It’s local but not super local :slight_smile:

The mail says " out of more than 125,000 applicants …"

Last year, the admit letter said this so I presume the #s have gone down.


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If I got in today, does that mean I am invited to apply for the Regents scholarship!? Doesn’t say anything about it.

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In that case, disregard post # 582 above! Will be interesting when the application counts are released (usually late Feb) to see if UC Berkeley’s applicant count did indeed decline yr over yr.

Accepted MET! Mechanical Engineering

3.95 UW 4.6 W

Started $350k business, V swimming captain, Several Nonprofits


It should say on your acceptance if you are invited to interview for Regents. Tagging @worriedmomucb and @Tim_96.

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Read the portal acceptance mail. It is ,i think, 2 nd last paragraph that states the details on the offer etc. You will see the regents etc. hope this helps

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Congrats! For MET, please include the COE major as well.

edit: Thank you for including the major. MET is a great program!

This is the type of thing that my child was talking about when she said everyone was very accomplished.

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Sadly, it doesn’t say aything :crying_cat_face:

Did you apply for MET or GMP? If not then it is likely Regents.

In the past, there were hyperlinks to information about programs and scholarships at the bottom of the letter. Not sure if they are there this year.

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This is how it appears in the mail


I didn’t apply to any programs! I guess I should wait! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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Mine just says this! “All the details of your offer, including your Conditions of Admission, Frequently Asked Questions, and more, are below.”


Can you post your stats, major, residency, EC’s , awards for future applicants?

Interesting…So there was at least one other school. Not that it matters much at this point, but I am still curious about the whole LOR thing this year.