UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

100% this! Good things will happen in March :four_leaf_clover:


If i didn’t hear back about MET till now, it’s over right?

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We do not know for sure, since no one has received an email or other communication saying that MET admissions (or early admissions in general) are complete. But it seems likely that they would have all been sent out at once.

But haven’t they also historically sent out early admissions on a Friday? So maybe not totally out of the realm of possibility that they are doing things a bit differently? Obviously, I have no idea if that’s true, but a lot of stuff feels a bit out of whack this year, so who knows.

We do not know for sure. That is just what seems likely.

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Are Berkeley early invites solely based on GPA?

S22 was a MET applicant. He didn’t receive any “MET decisions complete” notification. MET denials are implicit.

Best guess - based on a sample size of 1 :wink: - is that ECs/PIQs were probably the bigger factor, rather than GPA.


Got in!
Thank you for all the guidance everyone.


I did not get in. Large CA public School
Applied to CoE for MAterial Science Engineering.
3.95 UW, 4.32 UC Capped, 4.5 Fully Weighted
AP Scholar with Distinction
12 Honors/AP/College level courses
US National Chemistry Olympiad Semifinalist
Presented at ACS Papers
Few other ECs
I am disappointed

Congratulations!!! Can you post your profile for future applicants?

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Most decisions will not be out until March. Don’t take it as a denial if you did not hear anything today. Good luck!


Yes will definitely do it by today!

Thank you @Gumbymom for clearing all my queries throughout.

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Only a tiny percent of applicants heard today. You won’t get a decision until late March with most of the rest of the students who applied. Don’t take not getting in to mean anything other than that you weren’t in a select special group to hear early.


yes they are only a few early acceptances so please dont worry. Most decisions will be in March.

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Just because you didn’t hear anything today, doesn’t mean you didn’t get in - there will be another round of acceptances next month. You have great stats, so don’t lose hope yet!


My son got into EECS today. In-state, WGPA 4.75, all APs school offered. Decent ECs


You did not receive a decision today. That’s not the same as a denial. In fact exactly 0 applicants received a denial from Cal today.


But it does mean that for MET right?

Possibly so, based on how things went in previous years, but I’m not sure anything is 100% certain at this point. @Gumbymom tends have the best sense of how these things work, so she might be able to add insight on this.