UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m sickened by the line in the article that mentioned that several people surrounding the person who did the self-immolation were filming it. What is wrong with people? Are we to the point where bystanders need to get footage for their TikTok so badly that they stand around and film?


I’m trying to give benefit of the doubt that they were worried he would go into a building or crowd and the footage would be needed. Kids are told that they should film things like this, these days, if they can’t help.


This so sad and scary at the same time. The immense pressure life brings nowadays is unbelievable. May he recover and get well soon.

I think we’ve passed this point a while ago.

I wasn’t meaning to say anything negative. It was just surprising to see admissions yesterday because I wasn’t expecting it.

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That’s a great point, and obviously, a very preferable perspective. The other thing is that none of us know how we’ll react when something so shocking and upsetting occurs near us, so kudos to the folks who did what they could to extinguish the flames.


Congratulations on the unexpected admissions! My DD has had a few of those already this admissions season, and it really does help to take the pressure off.

You will do fine wherever you go.

Best of luck with all the other applications.

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Does Cal ever offer the ability to apply for regents scholarship to students admitted on 3/30/23 or have they already released potential candidates? Thanks

You do not apply to Regents, you are invited for an interview based on your UC application. Invites went out with the Early Admits on February 9.

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do you think all Regent invites went out already? from all campuses?

Only 2 campuses will send an invite for Regents: UCB and UCLA. UCB’s invites have already been sent on February 9. UCLA’s Regents invites went out last year with an applicant’s decision March 18. For the rest of the campuses, Regents is automatic and will show up either with your decision or a few weeks later. It varies by campus.


thanks, appreciate the clarification.

Got it.
for UCB , all regent scholar decisions are done in Feb and no more with March 30 decisions ?

Regents invites are done. None in March.

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I got an email from Web Grants for Students saying to set up an account to claim my Cal Grant. I did this and it automatically put my school of choice as UC Merced. I don’t know why, I might have listed it first on my FAFSA but I’m not sure. Anyway, I want to know if I should/have to change it or if I can wait until April. I’ve narrowed down my options to either UC Berkeley or out of state, so should I just put UC Berkeley for it now, even though I don’t think I’ll get in?

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I’m no expert, but I would wait until you know for sure what school you will be attending. I don’t think changing the school is difficult, but obviously important once you know where you’re going as that is where the money gets sent. So as soon as you’ve made your final decision, make sure you remember to update your cal grant info.

I was just remembering my Soph. year and the failed assassination attempt on Chancellor Tien in 1992. Right at the beginning of the semester. People’s Park activist Rosebud Denovo broke into the chancellor’s house with a Machete. The police showed up right away and she ended up getting shot and killed.

She had list of demands relating to stopping construction on People’s Park.
There has been so much passion and division over this issue for so long.

We actually drove by People’s Park yesterday for the first time in a long while…It has always looked a bit rough around the edges, but it seems to have gotten quite a bit rougher. It’s really a shame.

Yes, I hope the People’s Park situation can be resolved, because its current state is not good for anyone.