UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

No, I didn’t apply to UCSD and UCI. And yeah I applied CS for all UCs because that’s what I’m interested in doing. I’m grateful I at least have one good option. Hoping for the best from others too.


Just hang on, you will be fine. Did you apply at any private colleges or CSU?

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: and prayers :pray:

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My backup will be community college. I might just take the transfer route since I want to go a UC and if this doesn’t turn out well.


I applied to 5 UCs out of which 3 have sent their decisions.

UCM is a very good school and for CS eventually, it’s the degree that matters more than what school you go to. So, if I were in your position, I would be very happy that you have one UC with your intended major. You will be very happy there. Eventually your work ex and masters degree will matter more and you can shine at UCM.


community college is the route my kids would take if they didn’t get the schools they wanted. THey didn’t apply to back ups. Between 3-4 total schools applied to for each. It’s worked out for them so far.


Agree with this - while I think you still have a shot at the next two UCs coming up, if it doesn’t happen, there are far worse places to be than UC Merced. Merced is the gateway to Yosemite - how cool is that? At least keep an open mind and check it out. It might turn out to be a hidden gem.


We had definitely considered this route, too - it’s not a bad one at all. California makes transferring to a UC pretty easy. It saves a ton of money and you end up with the same UC degree as everyone else - and possibly with less debt to get it. I think the community colleges in SF are still free? Berkeley City College has also been free for the past few semesters. It doesn’t get more cost effective than that!

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The only issue is that TAG is not available for some impacted majors like CS/CSE in most of the schools except UCR and UCM - https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/_files/documents/tag-matrix.pdf


Ah, so that is really good for Avtrite to consider when he makes a final decision. Thanks for pointing that out!


Absolutely! NO ONE will care where you go: it’s what you do when you are there, wherever that may be.

Just take it easy (I know it’s not easy to do that, as I have one student going through the admissions process this year). You have one UC under your belt already, and, the CC + Transfer option is just an incredible option for CA students.

You will do fine! Indeed, you already have done fine. Cal etc is not the be all and end all of things by any possible stretch of the imagination.


What would be the reasoning for skipping CS in UCSD/UCI? While picking ones with harder and easier admit rates.

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The main reason for not applying there is that I wouldn’t want to go that far away. I’m in SF so I would want to go somewhere close by. UCSD and UCI were out of range for me.


That Berkeley informational email just TERRIFIED me lol!


What did it say?

It was about the FPF Program. I think just terrifying to see an email from Berkeley, lol.


My daughter just received the email, too. Was it sent to everyone or was it an indication she may get offered one of these pathways?

I wonder the same, this is our second email about alternate pathways…

Since FPF is only for L&S, it would probably be sent to students who selected L&S majors? It looks like it is an opt-in program.