UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

From a related thread, for engineering majors:

For biz majors:

Math-related majors:

Hope this is not considered spam or plagiarism. I simply don’t know how to link to source.


No data science?

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This is great! Thank you for sharing. Do you happen to have the stats for Material Science Engg? I see the %age admit, would be interested to know how many admitted/applied? Thanks!

Sorry, I don’t have access to CalAnswers. These tables are all screenshotted from reddit.

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Oh I see - they only admit 100 students to computer science Bachelor of Arts L&S major at Berkeley. EECS unchanged from previous years as far as we know.


UCM as a fledgling UC is not a good example. Only a small handful of colleges, due to their particular competitive circumstances, might feel pressure to yield protect, usually due to the perceived pressure to close the gap with a particular competitor. (The term is usually associated with Tufts University for reasons that should be apparent.) It may not be the first explanation for every head-scratching admissions decision, but to say that it never/almost never happens is an oversimplification since there have been reported instances that colleges engage in the practice.

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Didn’t Berkeley accept everyone as undeclared in L&S till last year? They were able to declare the major later. We were told this during our campus tour. I thought direct admit is a new thing this year.

Just for you!


The community college route is great too! But I am curious why did you even apply to UCM while you had no intent to attend there?


It’s ok to change your thinking between the time of application and now, once you are getting decisions and really having to plan in earnest. My daughter applied to one or two schools that in retrospect she’s not sure were right for her. It happens.


Oh, if you applied to UCLA, then you could have applied to UCI. They are close.
I wish you the best of luck with Berkeley and UCLA!!

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I might actually go there if I don’t hear back from the other two UCs. However, it then comes down to the cost where I could just go to community college for 2 years, and it’s free in San Francisco, and then try to transfer to some UC for CS. But I don’t know if transferring for CS would be the best option since it’s so competitive. I might as well just get my bachelors from UCM which still gives a UC education. One of my family friends graduated from Merced in CS and is now working at Meta as an engineer so that gives some hope.


Sounds like UCLA might come out today. I hope you get good news! Although, I’m actually rooting more for UCB for you :wink: Good luck with both!


Haha! Experiencing warm :sunny: Southern California weather is good too!!

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I grew up in South Florida - I’m done with the heat and humidity. Unless I’m on vacation on a tropical island somewhere with a frozen cocktail in my hand :wink:


over on the astrology page i posted that you can now ‘try’ to register for new student admit events

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I got the message “Our records indicate that you are not authorized to access this form. If you think you are receiving this message in error, please contact admissions admissions@berkeley.edu.”

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Makes sense at this stage @avatarrow
I’ll post any updates on the astrology page, and i’ll keep this one free from unverified stuff

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Watching UCSD and UCI decisions roll out and waiting to see the UCLA decisions expected in about half an hour. Such a rollercoaster and so hard to make any sense of it. Wishing everyone the best in this crazy process.