UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

And regarding crime stats between UCLA and Cal, Cal’s stats for violent crimes against persons are exceedingly worse than UCLA’s per the Clery Report federally mandated reporting. Attached is a screen shot of the comparison site with school A = CAL and school B = UCLA (2021 data). Here is the link to do one’s own comparisons Campus Safety and Security


when are the decisions coming out?

March 30.

is it true that you only get accepted either at Berkeley or UCLA? Most stats seem to suggest the same

No. They make decisions independently. However, it can appear that way, because they are both highly selective and are probably looking for somewhat different qualities in their holistic admissions process.


Saw this on another forum

Very interesting listen w UCB Dean of Admissions

What I was struck by was that UC Berkeley don’t look at race as a factor (as public California schools can’t as we all know) but then the Dean basically says in interview they do use race by peering into the application.
It’s a fascinating listen regardless of your views.

If I was a lawyer at UC, I would be really nervous about what I heard the Dean say in this interview about ways they implicitly use the essays and other factors about appliacant zip code. Seemed like very close to the line to my lay person ears.

Also found fascinating that this head of admissions at Berkeley who was previously at Stanford admissions was unaware of California public university prohibition on affirmative action in admissions prior to joining Cal. Weird thing to not know.

they also say how much they rely on AP and IB as signals in this interview.

Finally, in some parts of US, schools have dropped all AP coursework so I have to imagine this hurts the fact that there really is no weighted GPA for these kids. Of course this is but one factor for the UCs.


Not necessary . In our case , got into both


What time do the decisions come out on March 30th?

Anybody know the acceptance rates by major?

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Thanks for sharing. Had no idea it was this bad.

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Please repost after selecting the per 1000 persons option.


True! Sometimes I feel that parents are the cause of some of this stress. They certainly feel our stress and feel horrible if they don’t get in - as if we are disappointed in them. So NOT True!


Indeed. In the rat race, we forget to keep the focus on mental health. Some of the steps we took to get through the madness:

  1. I made it a point to ensure my child enjoyed her high school years, went out with friends, watched movies etc. I see some posts on these forums on how kids who worked extra hard sacrificing everything are now resentful after not getting into their dream colleges.
  2. A conscious thing we did was to not get too attached to this concept of dream that it breaks your heart completely. These are a set of colleges that I would like to go to. If I got only one of these, I would go there gladly.
  3. Consciously stayed away from obsessing about ranking and prestige of school. At a time when peers were getting through ED to prestigious schools, we ensured sensitizing our child to the fact that prestige also comes with high pressure and a very competitive peer group.
  4. above all, inculcating a sense of spirituality that there is more to life than a college admission.

Life is what you make it to be. It’s in our minds…


I think there is actually good chance of getting into both UCLA and Cal if you are accepted in either. My DS, his GF, and their friend were all accepted in both.

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I too know a kid (now working on his PhD at Cal Tech) accepted to both Cal and UCLA. He chose UCSB and their College of Creative Studies for his undergrad.

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Not true. There is no coordination. Can you link to one of these stats that suggest otherwise?

Not true. Know of several kids who have gotten into both. My daughter was offered regents at both a few years ago and choose to go to UCLA. She was totally torn over the decision process especially since as a Cal alum I’d been dressing her in Cal gear since she was born :sweat_smile: but UCLA was a much better fit for her and the program at UCLA was much better for her major - neuroscience. My son is going through this tough process now.


My daughter just committed to UCLA for neuroscience and decided not even to wait for the Cal decision. I’m happy for her though I would have also loved to see her at Berkeley, if she gets in. But UCLA’s Neuro program is fantastic! How did your daughter like her time there?


Congrats to her on that amazing acceptance! Although I’m a proud UCB alumna, I bet she will have an amazing time with unparalleled opportunity at UCLA!